
Tools (notably xpSpace) for processing and presenting experiment data.

  1"""Tools (notably `xpSpace`) for processing and presenting experiment data."""
  3import collections
  4import copy
  5import warnings
  7import colorama
  8import numpy as np
  9from mpl_tools import place
 10from patlib.std import nonchalance
 11from struct_tools import AlignedDict, complement, intersect, transps
 12from tabulate import tabulate
 14from dapper.dpr_config import rc
 15from dapper.stats import align_col, unpack_uqs
 16from dapper.tools.colors import color_text, stripe
 17from dapper.tools.rounding import UncertainQtty
 18from dapper.tools.viz import NoneDict, default_styles
 19from dapper.xp_launch import xpList
 22class SparseSpace(dict):
 23    """Subclass of `dict` that enforces key conformity to a given `namedtuple`.
 25    Like a normal `dict`, it can hold any type of objects.
 26    But, since the keys must conform, they effectively follow a coordinate system,
 27    so that the `dict` becomes a vector **space**. Example:
 28    >>> dct = xpSpace(["x", "y", "z"])
 29    >>> dct[(1, 2, 3)] = "pointA"
 31    The coordinate system is specified by the `dims`:
 32    a list of keys defining the `namedtuple` of `self.Coord`.
 33    The above dict only has three `dims`, so this fails:
 34    >>> dct[(1, 2, 3, 4)] = "pointB"  # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
 35    Traceback (most recent call last):
 36    ...
 37    TypeError: The key (1, 2, 3, 4) did not fit the coord.  system
 38    which has dims ('x', 'y', 'z')
 40    Coordinates can contain any value, including `None`:
 41    >>> dct[(1, 2, None)] = "pointB"
 43    In intended usage, this space is highly sparse,
 44    meaning there are many coordinates with no entry.
 45    Indeed, as a data format for nd-arrays, it may be called
 46    "coordinate list representation", used e.g. by `scipy.sparse.coo_matrix`.
 48    Thus, operations across (potentially multiple) `dims`,
 49    such as optimization or averaging, should be carried out by iterating
 50    -- not over the `dims` -- but over the the list of items.
 52    The most important method is `nest`,
 53    which is used (by `xpSpace.table_tree`) to print and plot results.
 54    This is essentially a "groupby" operation, and indeed the case could
 55    be made that this class should be replaced by `pandas.DataFrame`,
 56    or better yet: <https://github.com/pydata/xarray>.
 58    The `__getitem__` is quite flexible, allowing accessing by:
 60    - The actual key, a `self.Coord` object, or a standard tuple.<br>
 61      Returns single item. Example:
 63            >>> dct[1, 2, 3] == dct[(1, 2, 3)] == dct[dct.Coord(1, 2, 3)] == "pointA"
 64            True
 66    - A `slice` or `list`.<br>
 67      Returns list.<br>
 68      *PS: indexing by slice or list assumes that the dict is ordered,
 69      which we inherit from the builtin `dict` since Python 3.7.
 70      Moreover, it is a reflection of the fact that the internals of this class
 71      work by looping over items.*
 73    In addition, the `subspace` method (also aliased to `__call__`, and is implemented
 74    via `coords_matching`) can be used to select items by the values of a *subset*
 75    of their attributes. It returns a `SparseSpace`.
 76    If there is only a single item it can be accessed as in `dct[()]`.
 78    Inspired by
 80    - https://stackoverflow.com/a/7728830
 81    - https://stackoverflow.com/q/3387691
 82    """
 84    @property
 85    def dims(self):
 86        return self.Coord._fields
 88    def __init__(self, dims):
 89        """Usually initialized through `xpSpace.from_list`.
 91        Parameters
 92        ----------
 93        dims: list or tuple
 94            The attributes defining the coordinate system.
 95        """
 96        # Define coordinate system
 97        self.Coord = collections.namedtuple('Coord', dims)
 99        def repr2(c, keys=False, str_or_repr=repr):
100            if keys:
101                lst = [f"{k}={str_or_repr(v)}" for k, v in c._asdict().items()]
102            else:
103                lst = [str_or_repr(v) for v in c]
104            return "(" + ", ".join(lst) + ")"
106        self.Coord.repr2 = repr2
108    def update(self, items):
109        """Update dict, using the custom `__setitem__` to ensure key conformity.
111        NB: the `kwargs` syntax is not supported because it only works for keys that
112        consist of (a single) string, which is not very interesting for SparseSpace.
113        """
114        # See https://stackoverflow.com/a/2588648
115        # and https://stackoverflow.com/a/2390997
116        try:
117            items = items.items()
118        except AttributeError:
119            pass
120        for k, v in items:
121            self[k] = v
123    def __setitem__(self, key, val):
124        """Setitem ensuring coordinate conforms."""
125        try:
126            key = self.Coord(*key)
127        except TypeError:
128            raise TypeError(
129                f"The key {key!r} did not fit the coord. system "
130                f"which has dims {self.dims}")
131        super().__setitem__(key, val)
133    def __getitem__(self, key):
134        """Also allows list-indexing by `list` and `slice`."""
135        # List of items (from list of indices)
136        if isinstance(key, list):
137            lst = list(self.values())
138            return [lst[k] for k in key]
140        # List of items (from slice)
141        elif isinstance(key, slice):
142            return [*self.values()][key]
144        # Single item (by Coord object, or tuple)
145        else:
146            # NB: Dont't use isinstance(key, self.Coord)
147            # coz it fails when the namedtuple (Coord) has been
148            # instantiated in different places (but with equal params).
149            # Also see bugs.python.org/issue7796
150            return super().__getitem__(key)
152    def __call__(self, **kwargs):
153        """Shortcut (syntactic sugar) for `SparseSpace.subspace`."""
154        return self.subspace(**kwargs)
156    def subspace(self, **kwargs):
157        """Get an affine subspace.
159        NB: If you're calling this repeatedly (for all values of the same `kwargs`)
160        then you should consider using `SparseSpace.nest` instead.
162        Example:
163        >>> xp_dict.subspace(da_method="EnKF", infl=1, seed=3) # doctest: +SKIP
164        """
165        # Slow version
166        # outer = self.nest(outer_dims=list(kwargs))  # make subspaceS
167        # inner = outer[outer.Coord(**kwargs)]        # discard all but 1
169        coords = self.coords_matching(**kwargs)
170        inner = self.__class__(complement(self.dims, kwargs))
171        for coord in coords:
172            inner[inner.coord_from_attrs(coord)] = self[coord]
174        return inner
176    def coords_matching(self, **kwargs):
177        """Get all `coord`s matching kwargs.
179        Used by `SparseSpace.label_xSection` and `SparseSpace.subspace`. Unlike the
180        latter, this function returns a *list* of *keys* of the *original subspace*.
182        Note that the `missingval` shenanigans of `xpList.inds` are here unnecessary
183        since each coordinate is complete.
184        """
185        def match(coord):
186            return all(getattr(coord, k) == kwargs[k] for k in kwargs)
188        return [c for c in self if match(c)]
190    def coord_from_attrs(self, obj):
191        """Form a `coord` for this `xpSpace` by extracting attrs. from `obj`.
193        For instances of `self.Coord`, this is the identity opeartor, i.e.
195            self.coord_from_attrs(coord) == coord
196        """
197        coord = (getattr(obj, a, None) for a in self.dims)
198        return self.Coord(*coord)
200    def __repr__(self):
201        txt  = f"<{self.__class__.__name__}>"
202        txt += " with Coord/dims: "
203        try:
204            txt += "(and ticks): " + str(AlignedDict(self.ticks))
205        except AttributeError:
206            txt += str(self.dims) + "\n"
208        # Note: print(xpList(self)) produces a more human-readable table,
209        # but requires prep_table(), which we don't really want to call again
210        # (it's only called in from_list, not (necessarily) in any nested spaces)
211        L = 2
212        keys = [k.repr2() for k in self]
213        if 2*L < len(keys):
214            keys = keys[:L] + ["..."] + keys[-L:]
215        keys = "[\n  " + ",\n  ".join(keys) + "\n]"
216        return txt + f"populated by {len(self)} items with keys: {keys}"
218    def nest(self, inner_dims=None, outer_dims=None):
219        """Project along `inner_acces` to yield a new `xpSpace` with dims `outer_dims`
221        The entries of this `xpSpace` are themselves `xpSpace`s, with dims `inner_dims`,
222        each one regrouping the entries with the same (projected) coordinate.
224        Note: this method could also be called `groupby`.
225        Note: this method is also called by `__getitem__(key)` if `key` is dict.
226        """
227        # Default: a singleton outer space,
228        # with everything contained in the inner (projection) space.
229        if inner_dims is None and outer_dims is None:
230            outer_dims = ()
232        # Validate dims
233        if inner_dims is None:
234            assert outer_dims is not None
235            inner_dims = complement(self.dims, outer_dims)
236        else:
237            assert outer_dims is None
238            outer_dims = complement(self.dims, inner_dims)
240        # Fill spaces
241        outer_space = self.__class__(outer_dims)
242        for coord, entry in self.items():
243            # Lookup subspace coord
244            outer_coord = outer_space.coord_from_attrs(coord)
245            try:
246                # Get subspace
247                inner_space = outer_space[outer_coord]
248            except KeyError:
249                # Create subspace, embed
250                inner_space = self.__class__(inner_dims)
251                outer_space[outer_coord] = inner_space
252            # Add entry to subspace, similar to .fill()
253            inner_space[inner_space.coord_from_attrs(coord)] = entry
255        return outer_space
257    def intersect_dims(self, attrs):
258        """Rm those `a` in `attrs` that are not in `self.dims`.
260        This enables sloppy `dims` allotment, for ease-of-use.
261        """
262        absent = complement(attrs, self.dims)
263        if absent:
264            print(color_text("Warning:", colorama.Fore.RED),
265                  "The requested attributes",
266                  color_text(str(absent), colorama.Fore.RED),
267                  ("were not found among the xpSpace dims"
268                   " (attrs. used as coordinates for the set of experiments)."
269                   " This may be no prob. if the attrs are redundant for the coord-sys."
270                   " However, if due to confusion or mis-spelling, then it is likely"
271                   " to cause mis-interpretation of the shown results."))
272            attrs = complement(attrs, absent)
273        return attrs
275    def append_dim(self, dim):
276        """Expand `self.Coord` by `dim`. For each item, insert `None` in new dim."""
277        self.__init__(self.dims+(dim,))
278        for coord in list(self):
279            entry = self.pop(coord)
280            self[coord + (None,)] = entry
282    def label_xSection(self, label, *NoneAttrs, **sub_coord):
283        """Insert duplicate entries for the given cross-section.
285        Works by adding the attr. `xSection` to the dims of `SparseSpace`,
286        and setting it to `label` for entries matching `sub_coord`,
287        reflecting the "constance/constraint/fixation" this represents.
288        This distinguishes the entries in this fixed-affine subspace,
289        preventing them from being gobbled up by the operations of `nest`.
291        If you wish, you can specify the `NoneAttrs`,
292        which are consequently set to None for the duplicated entries,
293        preventing them from being shown in plot labels and tuning panels.
294        """
295        if "xSect" not in self.dims:
296            self.append_dim('xSect')
298        for coord in self.coords_matching(**self.intersect_dims(sub_coord)):
299            entry = copy.deepcopy(self[coord])
300            coord = coord._replace(xSect=label)
301            coord = coord._replace(**{a: None for a in NoneAttrs})
302            self[coord] = entry
305DIM_ROLES = dict(outer=None, inner=None, mean=None, optim=None)
308class xpSpace(SparseSpace):
309    """Functionality to facilitate working with `xps` and their results."""
311    @classmethod
312    def from_list(cls, xps, tick_ordering=None):
313        """Init. from a list of objects, typically experiments referred to as `xp`s.
315        - Computes the relevant `dims` from the attributes, and
316        - Fills the dict by `xp`s.
317        - Computes and writes the attribute `ticks`.
319        This creates a `SparseSpace` of `xp`s. However, the nested subspaces generated
320        by `xpSpace.table_tree` (for printing and plotting) will hold objects of type
321        `UncertainQtty`, because it calls `mean` which calls `get_stat(statkey)`.
322        """
323        # Define and fill SparseSpace
324        dct = xpList(xps).prep_table(nomerge=['xSect'])[0]
325        self = cls(dct.keys())
326        self.fill(xps)
327        self.make_ticks(dct, tick_ordering)
328        return self
330    def make_ticks(self, dct, ordering=None):
331        """Unique & sort, for each individual "dim" in `dct`. Assign to `self.ticks`.
333        NB: `self.ticks` will not "propagate" through `SparseSpace.nest` or the like.
334        """
335        self.ticks = dct
336        ordering = ordering or {}
337        for name, values in dct.items():
338            ticks = set(values)  # unique (jumbles order)
339            order = ordering.get(name, 'as-found')
341            # Sort key
342            if callable(order):
343                key = order
344            elif 'as-found' in order:
345                key = values.index
346            else:  # "natural"
347                def key(x):
348                    return x
350            # Place None's at the end
351            def key_safe(x):
352                return (x is None), key(x)
354            # Sort
355            ticks = sorted(ticks, key=key_safe)
356            # Reverse
357            if isinstance(order, str) and "rev" in order:
358                ticks = ticks[::-1]
359            # Assign
360            dct[name] = ticks
362    def fill(self, xps):
363        """Mass insertion."""
364        self.update([(self.coord_from_attrs(xp), xp) for xp in xps])
366    def squeeze(self):
367        """Eliminate unnecessary dimensions."""
368        squeezed = xpSpace(xpList(self).prep_table()[0])
369        squeezed.fill(self)
370        return squeezed
372    def get_stat(self, statkey):
373        """Make `xpSpace` with same `Coord` as `self`, but values `xp.avrgs.statkey`."""
374        # Init a new xpDict to hold stat
375        avrgs = self.__class__(self.dims)
377        not_found = set()
378        for coord, xp in self.items():
379            try:
380                avrgs[coord] = getattr(xp.avrgs, statkey)
381            except AttributeError:
382                not_found.add(coord)
384        if len(not_found) == len(self):
385            raise AttributeError(
386                f"The stat. '{statkey}' was not found among **any** of the xp's.")
387        elif not_found:
388            print(color_text("Warning:", "RED"), f"no stat. '{statkey}' found for")
389            print(*not_found, sep="\n")
391        return avrgs
393    def mean(self, dims=None):
394        """Compute mean over `dims` (a list). Returns `xpSpace` without those `dims`."""
395        # Note: The case `dims=()` should work w/o special treatment.
396        if dims is None:
397            return self
399        nested = self.nest(dims)
400        for coord, space in nested.items():
402            def getval(uq):
403                return uq.val if isinstance(uq, UncertainQtty) else uq
404            vals = [getval(uq) for uq in space.values()]
406            # Don't use nanmean! It would give false impressions.
407            mu = np.mean(vals)
409            with warnings.catch_warnings():
410                warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning)
411                # Don't print warnings caused by N=1.
412                # It already correctly yield nan's.
413                var = np.var(vals, ddof=1)
415            N = len(vals)
416            uq = UncertainQtty(mu, np.sqrt(var/N))
417            uq.nTotal   = N
418            uq.nFail    = N - np.isfinite(vals).sum()
419            uq.nSuccess = N - uq.nFail
421            nested[coord] = uq
422        return nested
424    def tune(self, dims=None, costfun=None):
425        """Get (compile/tabulate) a stat. optimised wrt. tuning params (`dims`)."""
426        # Define cost-function
427        costfun = (costfun or 'increasing').lower()
428        if 'increas' in costfun:
429            costfun = (lambda x: +x)
430        elif 'decreas' in costfun:
431            costfun = (lambda x: -x)
432        else:
433            assert callable(costfun)  # custom
435        # Note: The case `dims=()` should work w/o special treatment.
436        if dims is None:
437            return self
439        nested = self.nest(dims)
440        for coord, space in nested.items():
441            # Find optimal value (and coord) within space
442            MIN = np.inf
443            found_any = False
444            for inner_coord, uq in space.items():
445                cost = costfun(uq.val)
446                if cost <= MIN:
447                    found_any          = True
448                    MIN                = cost
449                    uq_opt             = uq
450                    uq_opt.tuned_coord = inner_coord
452            if not found_any:
453                uq_opt = uq  # one is as good as another
454                nDim = range(len(space.Coord._fields))
455                uq_opt.tuned_coord = space.Coord(*(None for _ in nDim))
457            nested[coord] = uq_opt
459        return nested
461    def table_tree(self, statkey, dims, *, costfun=None):
462        """Make hierarchy `outer > inner > mean > optim` using `SparseSpace.nest`.
464        The dimension passed to `nest` (at each level) is specified by `dims`.
465        The dimensions of `dims['mean']` and `dims['optim']` get eliminated
466        by the mean/tune operations. The `dims['outer']` and `dims['inner']
467        become the keys for the output hierarchy.
469        .. note::
470            cannot support multiple `statkey`s because it's not (obviously) meaningful
471            when optimizing over `dims['optim']`.
472        """
473        def validate_dims(dims):
474            """Validate dims."""
475            role_register = {}
476            new = {}
477            for role in set(dims) | set(DIM_ROLES):
478                assert role in DIM_ROLES, f"Invalid role {role!r}"
479                dd = dims.get(role, DIM_ROLES[role])
481                if dd is None:
482                    # Don't convert None to (), allowing None to remain special.
483                    pass
485                else:
486                    # Ensure iterable
487                    if isinstance(dd, str) or not hasattr(dd, "__iter__"):
488                        dd = (dd,)
490                    # Keep relevant only
491                    dd = self.intersect_dims(dd)
493                    # Ensure each dim plays a single-role
494                    for dim in dd:
495                        if dim in role_register:
496                            raise TypeError(
497                                f"A dim (here {dim!r}) cannot be assigned to 2"
498                                f" roles (here {role!r} and {role_register[dim]!r}).")
499                        else:
500                            role_register[dim] = role
501                new[role] = dd
502            return new
504        def mean_tune(xp_dict):
505            """Take mean, then tune.
507            Note: the `SparseSpace` implementation should be sufficiently
508            "uncluttered" that `mean_tune` (or a few of its code lines)
509            could be called anywhere above/between/below
510            the `nest`ing of `outer` or `inner`.
511            These possibile call locations are commented in the code.
512            """
513            uq_dict = xp_dict.get_stat(statkey)
514            uq_dict = uq_dict.mean(dims['mean'])
515            uq_dict = uq_dict.tune(dims['optim'], costfun)
516            return uq_dict
518        dims = validate_dims(dims)
519        self2 = mean_tune(self)
520        # Prefer calling mean_tune() [also see its docstring]
521        # before doing outer/inner nesting. This is because then the dims of
522        # a row (xpSpace) should not include mean&optim, and thus:
523        #  - Column header/coords may be had directly as row.keys(),
524        #    without extraction by coord_from_attrs() from (e.g.) row[0].
525        #  - Don't need to propagate mean&optim dims down to the row level.
526        #    which would require defining rows by the nesting:
527        #    rows = table.nest(outer_dims=complement(table.dims,
528        #        *(dims['inner'] or ()),
529        #        *(dims['mean']  or ()),
530        #        *(dims['optim'] or ()) ))
531        #  - Each level of the output from table_tree
532        #    is a smaller (and more manageable) dict.
534        tables = self2.nest(outer_dims=dims['outer'])
535        for table_coord, table in tables.items():
536            # table = mean_tune(table)
538            # Should not be used (nesting as rows is more natural,
539            # and is required for getting distinct/row_keys).
540            # cols = table.nest(outer_dims=dims['inner'])
542            rows = table.nest(inner_dims=dims['inner'] or ())
544            # Overwrite table by its nesting as rows
545            tables[table_coord] = rows
547            # for row_coord, row in rows.items():
548            # rows[row_coord] = mean_tune(row)
550        args = dict(statkey=statkey, xp_dict=self, dims=dims)
551        tables.created_with = args
552        return dims, tables
554    def tickz(self, dim_name):
555        """Dimension (axis) ticks without None"""
556        return [x for x in self.ticks[dim_name] if x is not None]
558    def print(self, statkey, dims,  # noqa (shadowing builtin)
559              subcols=True, decimals=None, costfun=None,
560              squeeze_labels=True, colorize=True, title=None):
561        """Print tables of results.
563        Parameters
564        ----------
565        statkey: str
566            The statistic to extract from the `xp.avrgs` for each `xp`.
567            Examples: `"rmse.a"` (i.e. `"err.rms.a"`), `"rmse.ocean.a"`, `"duration"`.
568        dims: dict
569            Allots (maps) the dims of `xpSpace` to different roles in the tables.
571            - The "role" `outer` should list the dims/attributes
572              used to define the splitting of the results into *separate tables*:
573              one table for each distinct combination of attributes.
574            - Similarly , the role `inner` determines which attributes
575              split a table into its columns.
576            - `mean` lists the attributes over which the mean is taken
577              (for that row & column)
578            - `optim` lists the attributes used over which the optimum
579               is searched for (after taking the mean).
581            Example:
583                dict(outer='da_method', inner='N', mean='seed',
584                     optim=('infl','loc_rad'))
586            Equivalently, use `mean=("seed",)`.
587            It is acceptible to leave this empty: `mean=()` or `mean=None`.
588        subcols: bool
589            If `True`, then subcolumns are added to indicate
591            - `1σ`: the confidence interval. If `mean=None` is used, this simply reports
592              the value `.prec` of the `statkey`, providing this is an `UncertainQtty`.
593              Otherwise, it is computed as `sqrt(var(xps)/N)`,
594              where `xps` is the set of statistic gathered over the `mean` dimensions.
595            - `*(optim)`: the optimal point (among all `optim` attributes),
596              as defined by `costfun`.
597            - `☠`: the number of failures (non-finite values) at that point.
598            - `✓`: the number of successes that go into the value
599        decimals: int
600            Number of decimals to print.
601            If `None`, this is determined for each statistic by its uncertainty.
602        costfun: str or function
603            Use `'increasing'` (default) or `'decreasing'` to indicate that the optimum
604            is defined as the lowest or highest value of the `statkey` found.
605        squeeze_labels: bool
606            Don't include redundant attributes in the line labels.
607            Caution: `get_style` will not be able to access the eliminated attrs.
608        colorize: bool
609            Add color to tables for readability.
610        """
611        # Title
612        if title is not None:
613            if colorize:
614                clrs = colorama.Back.LIGHTBLUE_EX, colorama.Fore.BLACK
615                title = color_text(str(title), *clrs)
616            print(title)
618        # Inform dims["mean"]
619        if dims.get('mean', None):
620            print(f"Averages (in time and) over {dims['mean']}.")
621        else:
622            print("Averages in time only"
623                  " (=> the 1σ estimates may be unreliable).")
625        def make_cols(rows, cc, subcols, h2):
626            """Subcolumns: align, justify, join."""
627            # Define subcol formats
628            if subcols:
629                templ = "{val} ±{prec}"
630                templ += "" if dims['optim'] is None else " *{tuned_coord}"
631                templ += "" if dims['mean' ] is None else " {nFail} {nSuccess}"
632                aligns = dict(prec="<", tuned_coord="<")
634            def align(column, idx):
635                if idx == 0:
636                    headers = dict(val=statkey, prec="1σ", tuned_coord=dims["optim"])
637                else:
638                    headers = dict(val="", prec="1σ", tuned_coord="")
639                headers.update(nFail="☠", nSuccess="✓")
641                col = unpack_uqs(column, decimals)
643                if subcols:
644                    for key in list(col):
645                        if key in templ:
646                            subcolmn = [headers.get(key, key)] + col[key]
647                            col[key] = align_col(subcolmn, just=aligns.get(key, ">"))
648                        else:
649                            del col[key]
650                    col = [templ.format(**row) for row in transps(col)]
651                else:
652                    col = align_col([headers["val"]] + col["val"])
653                return col
655            def super_header(col_coord, idx, col):
656                header, matter = col[0], col[1:]
657                cc = col_coord.repr2(not idx, str).strip("()").replace(", ", ",")
658                cc = cc.center(len(header), "_")  # +1 width for wide chars like ✔️
659                return [cc + "\n" + header] + matter
661            # Transpose
662            columns = [list(x) for x in zip(*rows)]
664            # Format column
665            for j, (col_coord, column) in enumerate(zip(cc, columns)):
666                col = align(column, j)
667                if h2:
668                    col = super_header(col_coord, j, col)
669                columns[j] = col
671            # Un-transpose
672            rows = [list(x) for x in zip(*columns)]
674            return rows
676        dims, tables = self.table_tree(statkey, dims, costfun=costfun)
678        for table_coord, table in tables.items():
680            # Get table's column coords/ticks (cc).
681            # cc is really a set, but we use dict for ordering.
682            # cc = self.ticks[dims["inner"]]  # may be > needed
683            # cc = table[0].keys()            # may be < needed
684            cc = {c: None for row in table.values() for c in row}
685            # Could additionally do cc = table.squeeze() but is it worth it?
687            # Convert table (rows) into rows (lists) of equal length
688            rows = [[row.get(c, None) for c in cc] for row in table.values()]
690            # Align cols
691            h2 = "\n" if len(cc) > 1 else ""  # super-header?
692            headers, *rows = make_cols(rows, cc, subcols, h2)
694            # Prepend left-side (attr) table
695            if squeeze_labels:
696                table = table.squeeze()
697            headers = [h2+k for k in table.dims] + [h2+'⑊'] + headers
698            for i, (key, row) in enumerate(zip(table, rows)):
699                rows[i] = [*key] + ['|'] + row
701            print()
702            if dims['outer']:
703                # Title
704                table_title = "Table for " + table_coord.repr2(True).strip("()")
705                if colorize:
706                    clrs = colorama.Back.YELLOW, colorama.Fore.BLACK
707                    table_title = color_text(table_title, *clrs)
708                print(table_title)
709            table = tabulate(rows, headers).replace('␣', ' ')
710            if colorize:
711                table = stripe(table, slice(2, None))
712            print(table)
714        return tables
716    def plot(self, statkey, dims, get_style=default_styles,
717             fignum=None, figsize=None, panels=None, costfun=None,
718             title1=None, title2=None, unique_labels=True, squeeze_labels=True):
719        """Plot (tables of) results.
721        Analagously to `xpSpace.print`,
722        the averages are grouped by `dims["inner"]`,
723        which here plays the role of the x-axis.
725        The averages can also be grouped by `dims["outer"]`,
726        producing a figure with multiple (columns of) panels.
728        The optimal points/parameters/attributes are plotted in smaller panels
729        below the main plot. This can be turned off by providing the figure
730        dims through the `panels` argument.
732        The parameters `statkey`, `dims`, `costfun`, `sqeeze_labels`
733        are documented in `xpSpace.print`.
735        Parameters
736        ----------
737        get_style: function
738            A function that takes an object, and returns a dict of line styles,
739            usually as a function of the object's attributes.
740        title1: anything
741            Figure title (in addition to the the defaults).
742        title2: anything
743            Figure title (in addition to the defaults). Goes on a new line.
744        unique_labels: bool
745            Only show a given line label once, even if it appears in several panels.
746        squeeze_labels:
747            Don't include redundant attributes in the labels.
748        """
749        def plot1(panelcol, row, style):
750            """Plot a given line (row) in the main panel and the optim panels.
752            Involves: Sort, insert None's, handle constant lines.
753            """
754            # Make a full row (yy) of vals, whether is_constant or not.
755            # is_constant = (len(row)==1 and next(iter(row))==row.Coord(None))
756            is_constant = all(x == row.Coord(None) for x in row)
757            if is_constant:
758                yy = [row[None, ] for _ in xticks]
759                style.marker = None
760            else:
761                yy = [row.get(row.Coord(x), None) for x in xticks]
763            # Plot main
764            row.vals = [getattr(y, 'val', None) for y in yy]
765            row.handles = {}
766            row.handles["main_panel"] = panelcol[0].plot(xticks, row.vals, **style)[0]
768            # Plot tuning params
769            row.tuned_coords = {}  # Store ordered, "transposed" argmins
770            argmins = [getattr(y, 'tuned_coord', None) for y in yy]
771            for a, panel in zip(dims["optim"] or (), panelcol[1:]):
772                yy = [getattr(coord, a, None) for coord in argmins]
773                row.tuned_coords[a] = yy
775                # Plotting all None's sets axes units (like any plotting call)
776                # which can cause trouble if the axes units were actually supposed
777                # to be categorical (eg upd_a), but this is only revealed later.
778                if not all(y == None for y in yy):
779                    style["alpha"] = 0.2
780                    row.handles[a] = panel.plot(xticks, yy, **style)
782        def label_management(table):
783            def pruner(style):
784                label = style.get("label", None)
785                if unique_labels:
786                    if label in register:
787                        del style["label"]
788                    elif label:
789                        register.add(style["label"])
790                        pruner.has_labels = True
791                elif label:
792                    pruner.has_labels = True
793            pruner.has_labels = False
795            def squeezer(coord):
796                return intersect(coord._asdict(), label_attrs)
797            if squeeze_labels:
798                label_attrs = xpList(table.keys()).prep_table()[0]
799            else:
800                label_attrs = table.dims
802            return pruner, squeezer
803        register = set()
805        def beautify(panels, title, has_labels):
806            panel0 = panels[0]
807            # panel0.set_title(title)
808            panel0.text(.5, 1, title, fontsize=12, ha="center", va="bottom",
809                        transform=panel0.transAxes, bbox=dict(
810                            facecolor='lightyellow', edgecolor='k',
811                            alpha=0.99, boxstyle="round,pad=0.25",
812                            # NB: padding makes label spill into axes
813                        ))
814            if has_labels:
815                panel0.legend()
816            if panel0.is_first_col():
817                panel0.set_ylabel(statkey)
818            panels[-1].set_xlabel(dims["inner"][0])
819            # Tuning panels:
820            for a, panel in zip(dims["optim"] or (), panels[1:]):
821                if panel.is_first_col():
822                    panel.set_ylabel(f"Optim.\n{a}")
824        # Nest dims through table_tree()
825        dims, tables = self.table_tree(statkey, dims, costfun=costfun)
826        assert len(dims["inner"]) == 1, "You must chose a valid attr. for the abscissa."
828        if not hasattr(self, "ticks"):
829            # TODO 6: this is probationary.
830            # In case self is actually a subspace, it may be that it does not contain
831            # all of the ticks of the original xpSpace. This may be fine,
832            # and we generate the ticks here again. However, this is costly-ish, so you
833            # should maybe simply (manually) assign them from the original xpSpace.
834            # And maybe you actually want the plotted lines to have holes where self
835            # has no values. Changes in the ticks are not obvious to the naked eye,
836            # unlike the case for printed tables (where column changes are quite clear).
837            print(color_text("Warning:", colorama.Fore.RED), "Making new x-ticks."
838                  "\nConsider assigning them yourself from the original"
839                  " xpSpace to this subspace.")
840            self.make_ticks(xpList(self).prep_table()[0])
841        xticks = self.tickz(dims["inner"][0])
843        # Create figure axes
844        if panels is None:
845            nrows   = len(dims['optim'] or ()) + 1
846            ncols   = len(tables)
847            maxW    = 12.7  # my mac screen
848            figsize = figsize or (min(5*ncols, maxW), 7)
849            gs      = dict(
850                height_ratios=[6]+[1]*(nrows-1),
851                hspace=0.05, wspace=0.05,
852                # eyeballed:
853                left=0.15/(1+np.log(ncols)),
854                right=0.97, bottom=0.06, top=0.9)
855            # Create
856            _, panels = place.freshfig(num=fignum, figsize=figsize,
857                                       nrows=nrows, sharex=True,
858                                       ncols=ncols, sharey='row',
859                                       gridspec_kw=gs, squeeze=False)
860        else:
861            panels = np.atleast_2d(panels)
863        # Fig. Title
864        fig = panels[0, 0].figure
865        fig_title = "Averages wrt. time"
866        if dims["mean"] is not None:
867            fig_title += " and " + ", ".join([repr(c) for c in dims['mean']])
868        if title1 is not None:
869            fig_title += ". " + title1
870        if title2 is not None:
871            with nonchalance():
872                title2 = title2.relative_to(rc.dirs["data"])
873            fig_title += "\n" + str(title2)
874        fig.suptitle(fig_title)
876        # Loop outer
877        for ax_column, (table_coord, table) in zip(panels.T, tables.items()):
878            table.panels = ax_column
879            label_prune, label_squeeze = label_management(table)
880            for coord, row in table.items():
881                style = get_style(NoneDict(label_squeeze(coord)))
882                label_prune(style)
883                plot1(table.panels, row, style)
885            beautify(table.panels,
886                     title=("" if dims["outer"] is None else
887                            table_coord.repr2(True).strip("()")),
888                     has_labels=label_prune.has_labels)
890        tables.fig = fig  # add reference to fig
891        return tables
class SparseSpace(builtins.dict):
 23class SparseSpace(dict):
 24    """Subclass of `dict` that enforces key conformity to a given `namedtuple`.
 26    Like a normal `dict`, it can hold any type of objects.
 27    But, since the keys must conform, they effectively follow a coordinate system,
 28    so that the `dict` becomes a vector **space**. Example:
 29    >>> dct = xpSpace(["x", "y", "z"])
 30    >>> dct[(1, 2, 3)] = "pointA"
 32    The coordinate system is specified by the `dims`:
 33    a list of keys defining the `namedtuple` of `self.Coord`.
 34    The above dict only has three `dims`, so this fails:
 35    >>> dct[(1, 2, 3, 4)] = "pointB"  # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
 36    Traceback (most recent call last):
 37    ...
 38    TypeError: The key (1, 2, 3, 4) did not fit the coord.  system
 39    which has dims ('x', 'y', 'z')
 41    Coordinates can contain any value, including `None`:
 42    >>> dct[(1, 2, None)] = "pointB"
 44    In intended usage, this space is highly sparse,
 45    meaning there are many coordinates with no entry.
 46    Indeed, as a data format for nd-arrays, it may be called
 47    "coordinate list representation", used e.g. by `scipy.sparse.coo_matrix`.
 49    Thus, operations across (potentially multiple) `dims`,
 50    such as optimization or averaging, should be carried out by iterating
 51    -- not over the `dims` -- but over the the list of items.
 53    The most important method is `nest`,
 54    which is used (by `xpSpace.table_tree`) to print and plot results.
 55    This is essentially a "groupby" operation, and indeed the case could
 56    be made that this class should be replaced by `pandas.DataFrame`,
 57    or better yet: <https://github.com/pydata/xarray>.
 59    The `__getitem__` is quite flexible, allowing accessing by:
 61    - The actual key, a `self.Coord` object, or a standard tuple.<br>
 62      Returns single item. Example:
 64            >>> dct[1, 2, 3] == dct[(1, 2, 3)] == dct[dct.Coord(1, 2, 3)] == "pointA"
 65            True
 67    - A `slice` or `list`.<br>
 68      Returns list.<br>
 69      *PS: indexing by slice or list assumes that the dict is ordered,
 70      which we inherit from the builtin `dict` since Python 3.7.
 71      Moreover, it is a reflection of the fact that the internals of this class
 72      work by looping over items.*
 74    In addition, the `subspace` method (also aliased to `__call__`, and is implemented
 75    via `coords_matching`) can be used to select items by the values of a *subset*
 76    of their attributes. It returns a `SparseSpace`.
 77    If there is only a single item it can be accessed as in `dct[()]`.
 79    Inspired by
 81    - https://stackoverflow.com/a/7728830
 82    - https://stackoverflow.com/q/3387691
 83    """
 85    @property
 86    def dims(self):
 87        return self.Coord._fields
 89    def __init__(self, dims):
 90        """Usually initialized through `xpSpace.from_list`.
 92        Parameters
 93        ----------
 94        dims: list or tuple
 95            The attributes defining the coordinate system.
 96        """
 97        # Define coordinate system
 98        self.Coord = collections.namedtuple('Coord', dims)
100        def repr2(c, keys=False, str_or_repr=repr):
101            if keys:
102                lst = [f"{k}={str_or_repr(v)}" for k, v in c._asdict().items()]
103            else:
104                lst = [str_or_repr(v) for v in c]
105            return "(" + ", ".join(lst) + ")"
107        self.Coord.repr2 = repr2
109    def update(self, items):
110        """Update dict, using the custom `__setitem__` to ensure key conformity.
112        NB: the `kwargs` syntax is not supported because it only works for keys that
113        consist of (a single) string, which is not very interesting for SparseSpace.
114        """
115        # See https://stackoverflow.com/a/2588648
116        # and https://stackoverflow.com/a/2390997
117        try:
118            items = items.items()
119        except AttributeError:
120            pass
121        for k, v in items:
122            self[k] = v
124    def __setitem__(self, key, val):
125        """Setitem ensuring coordinate conforms."""
126        try:
127            key = self.Coord(*key)
128        except TypeError:
129            raise TypeError(
130                f"The key {key!r} did not fit the coord. system "
131                f"which has dims {self.dims}")
132        super().__setitem__(key, val)
134    def __getitem__(self, key):
135        """Also allows list-indexing by `list` and `slice`."""
136        # List of items (from list of indices)
137        if isinstance(key, list):
138            lst = list(self.values())
139            return [lst[k] for k in key]
141        # List of items (from slice)
142        elif isinstance(key, slice):
143            return [*self.values()][key]
145        # Single item (by Coord object, or tuple)
146        else:
147            # NB: Dont't use isinstance(key, self.Coord)
148            # coz it fails when the namedtuple (Coord) has been
149            # instantiated in different places (but with equal params).
150            # Also see bugs.python.org/issue7796
151            return super().__getitem__(key)
153    def __call__(self, **kwargs):
154        """Shortcut (syntactic sugar) for `SparseSpace.subspace`."""
155        return self.subspace(**kwargs)
157    def subspace(self, **kwargs):
158        """Get an affine subspace.
160        NB: If you're calling this repeatedly (for all values of the same `kwargs`)
161        then you should consider using `SparseSpace.nest` instead.
163        Example:
164        >>> xp_dict.subspace(da_method="EnKF", infl=1, seed=3) # doctest: +SKIP
165        """
166        # Slow version
167        # outer = self.nest(outer_dims=list(kwargs))  # make subspaceS
168        # inner = outer[outer.Coord(**kwargs)]        # discard all but 1
170        coords = self.coords_matching(**kwargs)
171        inner = self.__class__(complement(self.dims, kwargs))
172        for coord in coords:
173            inner[inner.coord_from_attrs(coord)] = self[coord]
175        return inner
177    def coords_matching(self, **kwargs):
178        """Get all `coord`s matching kwargs.
180        Used by `SparseSpace.label_xSection` and `SparseSpace.subspace`. Unlike the
181        latter, this function returns a *list* of *keys* of the *original subspace*.
183        Note that the `missingval` shenanigans of `xpList.inds` are here unnecessary
184        since each coordinate is complete.
185        """
186        def match(coord):
187            return all(getattr(coord, k) == kwargs[k] for k in kwargs)
189        return [c for c in self if match(c)]
191    def coord_from_attrs(self, obj):
192        """Form a `coord` for this `xpSpace` by extracting attrs. from `obj`.
194        For instances of `self.Coord`, this is the identity opeartor, i.e.
196            self.coord_from_attrs(coord) == coord
197        """
198        coord = (getattr(obj, a, None) for a in self.dims)
199        return self.Coord(*coord)
201    def __repr__(self):
202        txt  = f"<{self.__class__.__name__}>"
203        txt += " with Coord/dims: "
204        try:
205            txt += "(and ticks): " + str(AlignedDict(self.ticks))
206        except AttributeError:
207            txt += str(self.dims) + "\n"
209        # Note: print(xpList(self)) produces a more human-readable table,
210        # but requires prep_table(), which we don't really want to call again
211        # (it's only called in from_list, not (necessarily) in any nested spaces)
212        L = 2
213        keys = [k.repr2() for k in self]
214        if 2*L < len(keys):
215            keys = keys[:L] + ["..."] + keys[-L:]
216        keys = "[\n  " + ",\n  ".join(keys) + "\n]"
217        return txt + f"populated by {len(self)} items with keys: {keys}"
219    def nest(self, inner_dims=None, outer_dims=None):
220        """Project along `inner_acces` to yield a new `xpSpace` with dims `outer_dims`
222        The entries of this `xpSpace` are themselves `xpSpace`s, with dims `inner_dims`,
223        each one regrouping the entries with the same (projected) coordinate.
225        Note: this method could also be called `groupby`.
226        Note: this method is also called by `__getitem__(key)` if `key` is dict.
227        """
228        # Default: a singleton outer space,
229        # with everything contained in the inner (projection) space.
230        if inner_dims is None and outer_dims is None:
231            outer_dims = ()
233        # Validate dims
234        if inner_dims is None:
235            assert outer_dims is not None
236            inner_dims = complement(self.dims, outer_dims)
237        else:
238            assert outer_dims is None
239            outer_dims = complement(self.dims, inner_dims)
241        # Fill spaces
242        outer_space = self.__class__(outer_dims)
243        for coord, entry in self.items():
244            # Lookup subspace coord
245            outer_coord = outer_space.coord_from_attrs(coord)
246            try:
247                # Get subspace
248                inner_space = outer_space[outer_coord]
249            except KeyError:
250                # Create subspace, embed
251                inner_space = self.__class__(inner_dims)
252                outer_space[outer_coord] = inner_space
253            # Add entry to subspace, similar to .fill()
254            inner_space[inner_space.coord_from_attrs(coord)] = entry
256        return outer_space
258    def intersect_dims(self, attrs):
259        """Rm those `a` in `attrs` that are not in `self.dims`.
261        This enables sloppy `dims` allotment, for ease-of-use.
262        """
263        absent = complement(attrs, self.dims)
264        if absent:
265            print(color_text("Warning:", colorama.Fore.RED),
266                  "The requested attributes",
267                  color_text(str(absent), colorama.Fore.RED),
268                  ("were not found among the xpSpace dims"
269                   " (attrs. used as coordinates for the set of experiments)."
270                   " This may be no prob. if the attrs are redundant for the coord-sys."
271                   " However, if due to confusion or mis-spelling, then it is likely"
272                   " to cause mis-interpretation of the shown results."))
273            attrs = complement(attrs, absent)
274        return attrs
276    def append_dim(self, dim):
277        """Expand `self.Coord` by `dim`. For each item, insert `None` in new dim."""
278        self.__init__(self.dims+(dim,))
279        for coord in list(self):
280            entry = self.pop(coord)
281            self[coord + (None,)] = entry
283    def label_xSection(self, label, *NoneAttrs, **sub_coord):
284        """Insert duplicate entries for the given cross-section.
286        Works by adding the attr. `xSection` to the dims of `SparseSpace`,
287        and setting it to `label` for entries matching `sub_coord`,
288        reflecting the "constance/constraint/fixation" this represents.
289        This distinguishes the entries in this fixed-affine subspace,
290        preventing them from being gobbled up by the operations of `nest`.
292        If you wish, you can specify the `NoneAttrs`,
293        which are consequently set to None for the duplicated entries,
294        preventing them from being shown in plot labels and tuning panels.
295        """
296        if "xSect" not in self.dims:
297            self.append_dim('xSect')
299        for coord in self.coords_matching(**self.intersect_dims(sub_coord)):
300            entry = copy.deepcopy(self[coord])
301            coord = coord._replace(xSect=label)
302            coord = coord._replace(**{a: None for a in NoneAttrs})
303            self[coord] = entry

Subclass of dict that enforces key conformity to a given namedtuple.

Like a normal dict, it can hold any type of objects. But, since the keys must conform, they effectively follow a coordinate system, so that the dict becomes a vector space. Example:

>>> dct = xpSpace(["x", "y", "z"])
>>> dct[(1, 2, 3)] = "pointA"

The coordinate system is specified by the dims: a list of keys defining the namedtuple of self.Coord. The above dict only has three dims, so this fails:

>>> dct[(1, 2, 3, 4)] = "pointB"  # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: The key (1, 2, 3, 4) did not fit the coord.  system
which has dims ('x', 'y', 'z')

Coordinates can contain any value, including None:

>>> dct[(1, 2, None)] = "pointB"

In intended usage, this space is highly sparse, meaning there are many coordinates with no entry. Indeed, as a data format for nd-arrays, it may be called "coordinate list representation", used e.g. by scipy.sparse.coo_matrix.

Thus, operations across (potentially multiple) dims, such as optimization or averaging, should be carried out by iterating -- not over the dims -- but over the the list of items.

The most important method is nest, which is used (by xpSpace.table_tree) to print and plot results. This is essentially a "groupby" operation, and indeed the case could be made that this class should be replaced by pandas.DataFrame, or better yet: https://github.com/pydata/xarray.

The __getitem__ is quite flexible, allowing accessing by:

  • The actual key, a self.Coord object, or a standard tuple.
    Returns single item. Example:

    >>> dct[1, 2, 3] == dct[(1, 2, 3)] == dct[dct.Coord(1, 2, 3)] == "pointA"
  • A slice or list.
    Returns list.
    PS: indexing by slice or list assumes that the dict is ordered, which we inherit from the builtin dict since Python 3.7. Moreover, it is a reflection of the fact that the internals of this class work by looping over items.

In addition, the subspace method (also aliased to __call__, and is implemented via coords_matching) can be used to select items by the values of a subset of their attributes. It returns a SparseSpace. If there is only a single item it can be accessed as in dct[()].

Inspired by

 89    def __init__(self, dims):
 90        """Usually initialized through `xpSpace.from_list`.
 92        Parameters
 93        ----------
 94        dims: list or tuple
 95            The attributes defining the coordinate system.
 96        """
 97        # Define coordinate system
 98        self.Coord = collections.namedtuple('Coord', dims)
100        def repr2(c, keys=False, str_or_repr=repr):
101            if keys:
102                lst = [f"{k}={str_or_repr(v)}" for k, v in c._asdict().items()]
103            else:
104                lst = [str_or_repr(v) for v in c]
105            return "(" + ", ".join(lst) + ")"
107        self.Coord.repr2 = repr2

Usually initialized through xpSpace.from_list.

  • dims (list or tuple): The attributes defining the coordinate system.
85    @property
86    def dims(self):
87        return self.Coord._fields
def update(self, items):
109    def update(self, items):
110        """Update dict, using the custom `__setitem__` to ensure key conformity.
112        NB: the `kwargs` syntax is not supported because it only works for keys that
113        consist of (a single) string, which is not very interesting for SparseSpace.
114        """
115        # See https://stackoverflow.com/a/2588648
116        # and https://stackoverflow.com/a/2390997
117        try:
118            items = items.items()
119        except AttributeError:
120            pass
121        for k, v in items:
122            self[k] = v

Update dict, using the custom __setitem__ to ensure key conformity.

NB: the kwargs syntax is not supported because it only works for keys that consist of (a single) string, which is not very interesting for SparseSpace.

def subspace(self, **kwargs):
157    def subspace(self, **kwargs):
158        """Get an affine subspace.
160        NB: If you're calling this repeatedly (for all values of the same `kwargs`)
161        then you should consider using `SparseSpace.nest` instead.
163        Example:
164        >>> xp_dict.subspace(da_method="EnKF", infl=1, seed=3) # doctest: +SKIP
165        """
166        # Slow version
167        # outer = self.nest(outer_dims=list(kwargs))  # make subspaceS
168        # inner = outer[outer.Coord(**kwargs)]        # discard all but 1
170        coords = self.coords_matching(**kwargs)
171        inner = self.__class__(complement(self.dims, kwargs))
172        for coord in coords:
173            inner[inner.coord_from_attrs(coord)] = self[coord]
175        return inner

Get an affine subspace.

NB: If you're calling this repeatedly (for all values of the same kwargs) then you should consider using SparseSpace.nest instead.


>>> xp_dict.subspace(da_method="EnKF", infl=1, seed=3) # doctest: +SKIP
def coords_matching(self, **kwargs):
177    def coords_matching(self, **kwargs):
178        """Get all `coord`s matching kwargs.
180        Used by `SparseSpace.label_xSection` and `SparseSpace.subspace`. Unlike the
181        latter, this function returns a *list* of *keys* of the *original subspace*.
183        Note that the `missingval` shenanigans of `xpList.inds` are here unnecessary
184        since each coordinate is complete.
185        """
186        def match(coord):
187            return all(getattr(coord, k) == kwargs[k] for k in kwargs)
189        return [c for c in self if match(c)]

Get all coords matching kwargs.

Used by SparseSpace.label_xSection and SparseSpace.subspace. Unlike the latter, this function returns a list of keys of the original subspace.

Note that the missingval shenanigans of xpList.inds are here unnecessary since each coordinate is complete.

def coord_from_attrs(self, obj):
191    def coord_from_attrs(self, obj):
192        """Form a `coord` for this `xpSpace` by extracting attrs. from `obj`.
194        For instances of `self.Coord`, this is the identity opeartor, i.e.
196            self.coord_from_attrs(coord) == coord
197        """
198        coord = (getattr(obj, a, None) for a in self.dims)
199        return self.Coord(*coord)

Form a coord for this xpSpace by extracting attrs. from obj.

For instances of self.Coord, this is the identity opeartor, i.e.

self.coord_from_attrs(coord) == coord
def nest(self, inner_dims=None, outer_dims=None):
219    def nest(self, inner_dims=None, outer_dims=None):
220        """Project along `inner_acces` to yield a new `xpSpace` with dims `outer_dims`
222        The entries of this `xpSpace` are themselves `xpSpace`s, with dims `inner_dims`,
223        each one regrouping the entries with the same (projected) coordinate.
225        Note: this method could also be called `groupby`.
226        Note: this method is also called by `__getitem__(key)` if `key` is dict.
227        """
228        # Default: a singleton outer space,
229        # with everything contained in the inner (projection) space.
230        if inner_dims is None and outer_dims is None:
231            outer_dims = ()
233        # Validate dims
234        if inner_dims is None:
235            assert outer_dims is not None
236            inner_dims = complement(self.dims, outer_dims)
237        else:
238            assert outer_dims is None
239            outer_dims = complement(self.dims, inner_dims)
241        # Fill spaces
242        outer_space = self.__class__(outer_dims)
243        for coord, entry in self.items():
244            # Lookup subspace coord
245            outer_coord = outer_space.coord_from_attrs(coord)
246            try:
247                # Get subspace
248                inner_space = outer_space[outer_coord]
249            except KeyError:
250                # Create subspace, embed
251                inner_space = self.__class__(inner_dims)
252                outer_space[outer_coord] = inner_space
253            # Add entry to subspace, similar to .fill()
254            inner_space[inner_space.coord_from_attrs(coord)] = entry
256        return outer_space

Project along inner_acces to yield a new xpSpace with dims outer_dims

The entries of this xpSpace are themselves xpSpaces, with dims inner_dims, each one regrouping the entries with the same (projected) coordinate.

Note: this method could also be called groupby. Note: this method is also called by __getitem__(key) if key is dict.

def intersect_dims(self, attrs):
258    def intersect_dims(self, attrs):
259        """Rm those `a` in `attrs` that are not in `self.dims`.
261        This enables sloppy `dims` allotment, for ease-of-use.
262        """
263        absent = complement(attrs, self.dims)
264        if absent:
265            print(color_text("Warning:", colorama.Fore.RED),
266                  "The requested attributes",
267                  color_text(str(absent), colorama.Fore.RED),
268                  ("were not found among the xpSpace dims"
269                   " (attrs. used as coordinates for the set of experiments)."
270                   " This may be no prob. if the attrs are redundant for the coord-sys."
271                   " However, if due to confusion or mis-spelling, then it is likely"
272                   " to cause mis-interpretation of the shown results."))
273            attrs = complement(attrs, absent)
274        return attrs

Rm those a in attrs that are not in self.dims.

This enables sloppy dims allotment, for ease-of-use.

def append_dim(self, dim):
276    def append_dim(self, dim):
277        """Expand `self.Coord` by `dim`. For each item, insert `None` in new dim."""
278        self.__init__(self.dims+(dim,))
279        for coord in list(self):
280            entry = self.pop(coord)
281            self[coord + (None,)] = entry

Expand self.Coord by dim. For each item, insert None in new dim.

def label_xSection(self, label, *NoneAttrs, **sub_coord):
283    def label_xSection(self, label, *NoneAttrs, **sub_coord):
284        """Insert duplicate entries for the given cross-section.
286        Works by adding the attr. `xSection` to the dims of `SparseSpace`,
287        and setting it to `label` for entries matching `sub_coord`,
288        reflecting the "constance/constraint/fixation" this represents.
289        This distinguishes the entries in this fixed-affine subspace,
290        preventing them from being gobbled up by the operations of `nest`.
292        If you wish, you can specify the `NoneAttrs`,
293        which are consequently set to None for the duplicated entries,
294        preventing them from being shown in plot labels and tuning panels.
295        """
296        if "xSect" not in self.dims:
297            self.append_dim('xSect')
299        for coord in self.coords_matching(**self.intersect_dims(sub_coord)):
300            entry = copy.deepcopy(self[coord])
301            coord = coord._replace(xSect=label)
302            coord = coord._replace(**{a: None for a in NoneAttrs})
303            self[coord] = entry

Insert duplicate entries for the given cross-section.

Works by adding the attr. xSection to the dims of SparseSpace, and setting it to label for entries matching sub_coord, reflecting the "constance/constraint/fixation" this represents. This distinguishes the entries in this fixed-affine subspace, preventing them from being gobbled up by the operations of nest.

If you wish, you can specify the NoneAttrs, which are consequently set to None for the duplicated entries, preventing them from being shown in plot labels and tuning panels.

Inherited Members
DIM_ROLES = {'outer': None, 'inner': None, 'mean': None, 'optim': None}
class xpSpace(SparseSpace):
309class xpSpace(SparseSpace):
310    """Functionality to facilitate working with `xps` and their results."""
312    @classmethod
313    def from_list(cls, xps, tick_ordering=None):
314        """Init. from a list of objects, typically experiments referred to as `xp`s.
316        - Computes the relevant `dims` from the attributes, and
317        - Fills the dict by `xp`s.
318        - Computes and writes the attribute `ticks`.
320        This creates a `SparseSpace` of `xp`s. However, the nested subspaces generated
321        by `xpSpace.table_tree` (for printing and plotting) will hold objects of type
322        `UncertainQtty`, because it calls `mean` which calls `get_stat(statkey)`.
323        """
324        # Define and fill SparseSpace
325        dct = xpList(xps).prep_table(nomerge=['xSect'])[0]
326        self = cls(dct.keys())
327        self.fill(xps)
328        self.make_ticks(dct, tick_ordering)
329        return self
331    def make_ticks(self, dct, ordering=None):
332        """Unique & sort, for each individual "dim" in `dct`. Assign to `self.ticks`.
334        NB: `self.ticks` will not "propagate" through `SparseSpace.nest` or the like.
335        """
336        self.ticks = dct
337        ordering = ordering or {}
338        for name, values in dct.items():
339            ticks = set(values)  # unique (jumbles order)
340            order = ordering.get(name, 'as-found')
342            # Sort key
343            if callable(order):
344                key = order
345            elif 'as-found' in order:
346                key = values.index
347            else:  # "natural"
348                def key(x):
349                    return x
351            # Place None's at the end
352            def key_safe(x):
353                return (x is None), key(x)
355            # Sort
356            ticks = sorted(ticks, key=key_safe)
357            # Reverse
358            if isinstance(order, str) and "rev" in order:
359                ticks = ticks[::-1]
360            # Assign
361            dct[name] = ticks
363    def fill(self, xps):
364        """Mass insertion."""
365        self.update([(self.coord_from_attrs(xp), xp) for xp in xps])
367    def squeeze(self):
368        """Eliminate unnecessary dimensions."""
369        squeezed = xpSpace(xpList(self).prep_table()[0])
370        squeezed.fill(self)
371        return squeezed
373    def get_stat(self, statkey):
374        """Make `xpSpace` with same `Coord` as `self`, but values `xp.avrgs.statkey`."""
375        # Init a new xpDict to hold stat
376        avrgs = self.__class__(self.dims)
378        not_found = set()
379        for coord, xp in self.items():
380            try:
381                avrgs[coord] = getattr(xp.avrgs, statkey)
382            except AttributeError:
383                not_found.add(coord)
385        if len(not_found) == len(self):
386            raise AttributeError(
387                f"The stat. '{statkey}' was not found among **any** of the xp's.")
388        elif not_found:
389            print(color_text("Warning:", "RED"), f"no stat. '{statkey}' found for")
390            print(*not_found, sep="\n")
392        return avrgs
394    def mean(self, dims=None):
395        """Compute mean over `dims` (a list). Returns `xpSpace` without those `dims`."""
396        # Note: The case `dims=()` should work w/o special treatment.
397        if dims is None:
398            return self
400        nested = self.nest(dims)
401        for coord, space in nested.items():
403            def getval(uq):
404                return uq.val if isinstance(uq, UncertainQtty) else uq
405            vals = [getval(uq) for uq in space.values()]
407            # Don't use nanmean! It would give false impressions.
408            mu = np.mean(vals)
410            with warnings.catch_warnings():
411                warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning)
412                # Don't print warnings caused by N=1.
413                # It already correctly yield nan's.
414                var = np.var(vals, ddof=1)
416            N = len(vals)
417            uq = UncertainQtty(mu, np.sqrt(var/N))
418            uq.nTotal   = N
419            uq.nFail    = N - np.isfinite(vals).sum()
420            uq.nSuccess = N - uq.nFail
422            nested[coord] = uq
423        return nested
425    def tune(self, dims=None, costfun=None):
426        """Get (compile/tabulate) a stat. optimised wrt. tuning params (`dims`)."""
427        # Define cost-function
428        costfun = (costfun or 'increasing').lower()
429        if 'increas' in costfun:
430            costfun = (lambda x: +x)
431        elif 'decreas' in costfun:
432            costfun = (lambda x: -x)
433        else:
434            assert callable(costfun)  # custom
436        # Note: The case `dims=()` should work w/o special treatment.
437        if dims is None:
438            return self
440        nested = self.nest(dims)
441        for coord, space in nested.items():
442            # Find optimal value (and coord) within space
443            MIN = np.inf
444            found_any = False
445            for inner_coord, uq in space.items():
446                cost = costfun(uq.val)
447                if cost <= MIN:
448                    found_any          = True
449                    MIN                = cost
450                    uq_opt             = uq
451                    uq_opt.tuned_coord = inner_coord
453            if not found_any:
454                uq_opt = uq  # one is as good as another
455                nDim = range(len(space.Coord._fields))
456                uq_opt.tuned_coord = space.Coord(*(None for _ in nDim))
458            nested[coord] = uq_opt
460        return nested
462    def table_tree(self, statkey, dims, *, costfun=None):
463        """Make hierarchy `outer > inner > mean > optim` using `SparseSpace.nest`.
465        The dimension passed to `nest` (at each level) is specified by `dims`.
466        The dimensions of `dims['mean']` and `dims['optim']` get eliminated
467        by the mean/tune operations. The `dims['outer']` and `dims['inner']
468        become the keys for the output hierarchy.
470        .. note::
471            cannot support multiple `statkey`s because it's not (obviously) meaningful
472            when optimizing over `dims['optim']`.
473        """
474        def validate_dims(dims):
475            """Validate dims."""
476            role_register = {}
477            new = {}
478            for role in set(dims) | set(DIM_ROLES):
479                assert role in DIM_ROLES, f"Invalid role {role!r}"
480                dd = dims.get(role, DIM_ROLES[role])
482                if dd is None:
483                    # Don't convert None to (), allowing None to remain special.
484                    pass
486                else:
487                    # Ensure iterable
488                    if isinstance(dd, str) or not hasattr(dd, "__iter__"):
489                        dd = (dd,)
491                    # Keep relevant only
492                    dd = self.intersect_dims(dd)
494                    # Ensure each dim plays a single-role
495                    for dim in dd:
496                        if dim in role_register:
497                            raise TypeError(
498                                f"A dim (here {dim!r}) cannot be assigned to 2"
499                                f" roles (here {role!r} and {role_register[dim]!r}).")
500                        else:
501                            role_register[dim] = role
502                new[role] = dd
503            return new
505        def mean_tune(xp_dict):
506            """Take mean, then tune.
508            Note: the `SparseSpace` implementation should be sufficiently
509            "uncluttered" that `mean_tune` (or a few of its code lines)
510            could be called anywhere above/between/below
511            the `nest`ing of `outer` or `inner`.
512            These possibile call locations are commented in the code.
513            """
514            uq_dict = xp_dict.get_stat(statkey)
515            uq_dict = uq_dict.mean(dims['mean'])
516            uq_dict = uq_dict.tune(dims['optim'], costfun)
517            return uq_dict
519        dims = validate_dims(dims)
520        self2 = mean_tune(self)
521        # Prefer calling mean_tune() [also see its docstring]
522        # before doing outer/inner nesting. This is because then the dims of
523        # a row (xpSpace) should not include mean&optim, and thus:
524        #  - Column header/coords may be had directly as row.keys(),
525        #    without extraction by coord_from_attrs() from (e.g.) row[0].
526        #  - Don't need to propagate mean&optim dims down to the row level.
527        #    which would require defining rows by the nesting:
528        #    rows = table.nest(outer_dims=complement(table.dims,
529        #        *(dims['inner'] or ()),
530        #        *(dims['mean']  or ()),
531        #        *(dims['optim'] or ()) ))
532        #  - Each level of the output from table_tree
533        #    is a smaller (and more manageable) dict.
535        tables = self2.nest(outer_dims=dims['outer'])
536        for table_coord, table in tables.items():
537            # table = mean_tune(table)
539            # Should not be used (nesting as rows is more natural,
540            # and is required for getting distinct/row_keys).
541            # cols = table.nest(outer_dims=dims['inner'])
543            rows = table.nest(inner_dims=dims['inner'] or ())
545            # Overwrite table by its nesting as rows
546            tables[table_coord] = rows
548            # for row_coord, row in rows.items():
549            # rows[row_coord] = mean_tune(row)
551        args = dict(statkey=statkey, xp_dict=self, dims=dims)
552        tables.created_with = args
553        return dims, tables
555    def tickz(self, dim_name):
556        """Dimension (axis) ticks without None"""
557        return [x for x in self.ticks[dim_name] if x is not None]
559    def print(self, statkey, dims,  # noqa (shadowing builtin)
560              subcols=True, decimals=None, costfun=None,
561              squeeze_labels=True, colorize=True, title=None):
562        """Print tables of results.
564        Parameters
565        ----------
566        statkey: str
567            The statistic to extract from the `xp.avrgs` for each `xp`.
568            Examples: `"rmse.a"` (i.e. `"err.rms.a"`), `"rmse.ocean.a"`, `"duration"`.
569        dims: dict
570            Allots (maps) the dims of `xpSpace` to different roles in the tables.
572            - The "role" `outer` should list the dims/attributes
573              used to define the splitting of the results into *separate tables*:
574              one table for each distinct combination of attributes.
575            - Similarly , the role `inner` determines which attributes
576              split a table into its columns.
577            - `mean` lists the attributes over which the mean is taken
578              (for that row & column)
579            - `optim` lists the attributes used over which the optimum
580               is searched for (after taking the mean).
582            Example:
584                dict(outer='da_method', inner='N', mean='seed',
585                     optim=('infl','loc_rad'))
587            Equivalently, use `mean=("seed",)`.
588            It is acceptible to leave this empty: `mean=()` or `mean=None`.
589        subcols: bool
590            If `True`, then subcolumns are added to indicate
592            - `1σ`: the confidence interval. If `mean=None` is used, this simply reports
593              the value `.prec` of the `statkey`, providing this is an `UncertainQtty`.
594              Otherwise, it is computed as `sqrt(var(xps)/N)`,
595              where `xps` is the set of statistic gathered over the `mean` dimensions.
596            - `*(optim)`: the optimal point (among all `optim` attributes),
597              as defined by `costfun`.
598            - `☠`: the number of failures (non-finite values) at that point.
599            - `✓`: the number of successes that go into the value
600        decimals: int
601            Number of decimals to print.
602            If `None`, this is determined for each statistic by its uncertainty.
603        costfun: str or function
604            Use `'increasing'` (default) or `'decreasing'` to indicate that the optimum
605            is defined as the lowest or highest value of the `statkey` found.
606        squeeze_labels: bool
607            Don't include redundant attributes in the line labels.
608            Caution: `get_style` will not be able to access the eliminated attrs.
609        colorize: bool
610            Add color to tables for readability.
611        """
612        # Title
613        if title is not None:
614            if colorize:
615                clrs = colorama.Back.LIGHTBLUE_EX, colorama.Fore.BLACK
616                title = color_text(str(title), *clrs)
617            print(title)
619        # Inform dims["mean"]
620        if dims.get('mean', None):
621            print(f"Averages (in time and) over {dims['mean']}.")
622        else:
623            print("Averages in time only"
624                  " (=> the 1σ estimates may be unreliable).")
626        def make_cols(rows, cc, subcols, h2):
627            """Subcolumns: align, justify, join."""
628            # Define subcol formats
629            if subcols:
630                templ = "{val} ±{prec}"
631                templ += "" if dims['optim'] is None else " *{tuned_coord}"
632                templ += "" if dims['mean' ] is None else " {nFail} {nSuccess}"
633                aligns = dict(prec="<", tuned_coord="<")
635            def align(column, idx):
636                if idx == 0:
637                    headers = dict(val=statkey, prec="1σ", tuned_coord=dims["optim"])
638                else:
639                    headers = dict(val="", prec="1σ", tuned_coord="")
640                headers.update(nFail="☠", nSuccess="✓")
642                col = unpack_uqs(column, decimals)
644                if subcols:
645                    for key in list(col):
646                        if key in templ:
647                            subcolmn = [headers.get(key, key)] + col[key]
648                            col[key] = align_col(subcolmn, just=aligns.get(key, ">"))
649                        else:
650                            del col[key]
651                    col = [templ.format(**row) for row in transps(col)]
652                else:
653                    col = align_col([headers["val"]] + col["val"])
654                return col
656            def super_header(col_coord, idx, col):
657                header, matter = col[0], col[1:]
658                cc = col_coord.repr2(not idx, str).strip("()").replace(", ", ",")
659                cc = cc.center(len(header), "_")  # +1 width for wide chars like ✔️
660                return [cc + "\n" + header] + matter
662            # Transpose
663            columns = [list(x) for x in zip(*rows)]
665            # Format column
666            for j, (col_coord, column) in enumerate(zip(cc, columns)):
667                col = align(column, j)
668                if h2:
669                    col = super_header(col_coord, j, col)
670                columns[j] = col
672            # Un-transpose
673            rows = [list(x) for x in zip(*columns)]
675            return rows
677        dims, tables = self.table_tree(statkey, dims, costfun=costfun)
679        for table_coord, table in tables.items():
681            # Get table's column coords/ticks (cc).
682            # cc is really a set, but we use dict for ordering.
683            # cc = self.ticks[dims["inner"]]  # may be > needed
684            # cc = table[0].keys()            # may be < needed
685            cc = {c: None for row in table.values() for c in row}
686            # Could additionally do cc = table.squeeze() but is it worth it?
688            # Convert table (rows) into rows (lists) of equal length
689            rows = [[row.get(c, None) for c in cc] for row in table.values()]
691            # Align cols
692            h2 = "\n" if len(cc) > 1 else ""  # super-header?
693            headers, *rows = make_cols(rows, cc, subcols, h2)
695            # Prepend left-side (attr) table
696            if squeeze_labels:
697                table = table.squeeze()
698            headers = [h2+k for k in table.dims] + [h2+'⑊'] + headers
699            for i, (key, row) in enumerate(zip(table, rows)):
700                rows[i] = [*key] + ['|'] + row
702            print()
703            if dims['outer']:
704                # Title
705                table_title = "Table for " + table_coord.repr2(True).strip("()")
706                if colorize:
707                    clrs = colorama.Back.YELLOW, colorama.Fore.BLACK
708                    table_title = color_text(table_title, *clrs)
709                print(table_title)
710            table = tabulate(rows, headers).replace('␣', ' ')
711            if colorize:
712                table = stripe(table, slice(2, None))
713            print(table)
715        return tables
717    def plot(self, statkey, dims, get_style=default_styles,
718             fignum=None, figsize=None, panels=None, costfun=None,
719             title1=None, title2=None, unique_labels=True, squeeze_labels=True):
720        """Plot (tables of) results.
722        Analagously to `xpSpace.print`,
723        the averages are grouped by `dims["inner"]`,
724        which here plays the role of the x-axis.
726        The averages can also be grouped by `dims["outer"]`,
727        producing a figure with multiple (columns of) panels.
729        The optimal points/parameters/attributes are plotted in smaller panels
730        below the main plot. This can be turned off by providing the figure
731        dims through the `panels` argument.
733        The parameters `statkey`, `dims`, `costfun`, `sqeeze_labels`
734        are documented in `xpSpace.print`.
736        Parameters
737        ----------
738        get_style: function
739            A function that takes an object, and returns a dict of line styles,
740            usually as a function of the object's attributes.
741        title1: anything
742            Figure title (in addition to the the defaults).
743        title2: anything
744            Figure title (in addition to the defaults). Goes on a new line.
745        unique_labels: bool
746            Only show a given line label once, even if it appears in several panels.
747        squeeze_labels:
748            Don't include redundant attributes in the labels.
749        """
750        def plot1(panelcol, row, style):
751            """Plot a given line (row) in the main panel and the optim panels.
753            Involves: Sort, insert None's, handle constant lines.
754            """
755            # Make a full row (yy) of vals, whether is_constant or not.
756            # is_constant = (len(row)==1 and next(iter(row))==row.Coord(None))
757            is_constant = all(x == row.Coord(None) for x in row)
758            if is_constant:
759                yy = [row[None, ] for _ in xticks]
760                style.marker = None
761            else:
762                yy = [row.get(row.Coord(x), None) for x in xticks]
764            # Plot main
765            row.vals = [getattr(y, 'val', None) for y in yy]
766            row.handles = {}
767            row.handles["main_panel"] = panelcol[0].plot(xticks, row.vals, **style)[0]
769            # Plot tuning params
770            row.tuned_coords = {}  # Store ordered, "transposed" argmins
771            argmins = [getattr(y, 'tuned_coord', None) for y in yy]
772            for a, panel in zip(dims["optim"] or (), panelcol[1:]):
773                yy = [getattr(coord, a, None) for coord in argmins]
774                row.tuned_coords[a] = yy
776                # Plotting all None's sets axes units (like any plotting call)
777                # which can cause trouble if the axes units were actually supposed
778                # to be categorical (eg upd_a), but this is only revealed later.
779                if not all(y == None for y in yy):
780                    style["alpha"] = 0.2
781                    row.handles[a] = panel.plot(xticks, yy, **style)
783        def label_management(table):
784            def pruner(style):
785                label = style.get("label", None)
786                if unique_labels:
787                    if label in register:
788                        del style["label"]
789                    elif label:
790                        register.add(style["label"])
791                        pruner.has_labels = True
792                elif label:
793                    pruner.has_labels = True
794            pruner.has_labels = False
796            def squeezer(coord):
797                return intersect(coord._asdict(), label_attrs)
798            if squeeze_labels:
799                label_attrs = xpList(table.keys()).prep_table()[0]
800            else:
801                label_attrs = table.dims
803            return pruner, squeezer
804        register = set()
806        def beautify(panels, title, has_labels):
807            panel0 = panels[0]
808            # panel0.set_title(title)
809            panel0.text(.5, 1, title, fontsize=12, ha="center", va="bottom",
810                        transform=panel0.transAxes, bbox=dict(
811                            facecolor='lightyellow', edgecolor='k',
812                            alpha=0.99, boxstyle="round,pad=0.25",
813                            # NB: padding makes label spill into axes
814                        ))
815            if has_labels:
816                panel0.legend()
817            if panel0.is_first_col():
818                panel0.set_ylabel(statkey)
819            panels[-1].set_xlabel(dims["inner"][0])
820            # Tuning panels:
821            for a, panel in zip(dims["optim"] or (), panels[1:]):
822                if panel.is_first_col():
823                    panel.set_ylabel(f"Optim.\n{a}")
825        # Nest dims through table_tree()
826        dims, tables = self.table_tree(statkey, dims, costfun=costfun)
827        assert len(dims["inner"]) == 1, "You must chose a valid attr. for the abscissa."
829        if not hasattr(self, "ticks"):
830            # TODO 6: this is probationary.
831            # In case self is actually a subspace, it may be that it does not contain
832            # all of the ticks of the original xpSpace. This may be fine,
833            # and we generate the ticks here again. However, this is costly-ish, so you
834            # should maybe simply (manually) assign them from the original xpSpace.
835            # And maybe you actually want the plotted lines to have holes where self
836            # has no values. Changes in the ticks are not obvious to the naked eye,
837            # unlike the case for printed tables (where column changes are quite clear).
838            print(color_text("Warning:", colorama.Fore.RED), "Making new x-ticks."
839                  "\nConsider assigning them yourself from the original"
840                  " xpSpace to this subspace.")
841            self.make_ticks(xpList(self).prep_table()[0])
842        xticks = self.tickz(dims["inner"][0])
844        # Create figure axes
845        if panels is None:
846            nrows   = len(dims['optim'] or ()) + 1
847            ncols   = len(tables)
848            maxW    = 12.7  # my mac screen
849            figsize = figsize or (min(5*ncols, maxW), 7)
850            gs      = dict(
851                height_ratios=[6]+[1]*(nrows-1),
852                hspace=0.05, wspace=0.05,
853                # eyeballed:
854                left=0.15/(1+np.log(ncols)),
855                right=0.97, bottom=0.06, top=0.9)
856            # Create
857            _, panels = place.freshfig(num=fignum, figsize=figsize,
858                                       nrows=nrows, sharex=True,
859                                       ncols=ncols, sharey='row',
860                                       gridspec_kw=gs, squeeze=False)
861        else:
862            panels = np.atleast_2d(panels)
864        # Fig. Title
865        fig = panels[0, 0].figure
866        fig_title = "Averages wrt. time"
867        if dims["mean"] is not None:
868            fig_title += " and " + ", ".join([repr(c) for c in dims['mean']])
869        if title1 is not None:
870            fig_title += ". " + title1
871        if title2 is not None:
872            with nonchalance():
873                title2 = title2.relative_to(rc.dirs["data"])
874            fig_title += "\n" + str(title2)
875        fig.suptitle(fig_title)
877        # Loop outer
878        for ax_column, (table_coord, table) in zip(panels.T, tables.items()):
879            table.panels = ax_column
880            label_prune, label_squeeze = label_management(table)
881            for coord, row in table.items():
882                style = get_style(NoneDict(label_squeeze(coord)))
883                label_prune(style)
884                plot1(table.panels, row, style)
886            beautify(table.panels,
887                     title=("" if dims["outer"] is None else
888                            table_coord.repr2(True).strip("()")),
889                     has_labels=label_prune.has_labels)
891        tables.fig = fig  # add reference to fig
892        return tables

Functionality to facilitate working with xps and their results.

def from_list(cls, xps, tick_ordering=None):
312    @classmethod
313    def from_list(cls, xps, tick_ordering=None):
314        """Init. from a list of objects, typically experiments referred to as `xp`s.
316        - Computes the relevant `dims` from the attributes, and
317        - Fills the dict by `xp`s.
318        - Computes and writes the attribute `ticks`.
320        This creates a `SparseSpace` of `xp`s. However, the nested subspaces generated
321        by `xpSpace.table_tree` (for printing and plotting) will hold objects of type
322        `UncertainQtty`, because it calls `mean` which calls `get_stat(statkey)`.
323        """
324        # Define and fill SparseSpace
325        dct = xpList(xps).prep_table(nomerge=['xSect'])[0]
326        self = cls(dct.keys())
327        self.fill(xps)
328        self.make_ticks(dct, tick_ordering)
329        return self

Init. from a list of objects, typically experiments referred to as xps.

  • Computes the relevant dims from the attributes, and
  • Fills the dict by xps.
  • Computes and writes the attribute ticks.

This creates a SparseSpace of xps. However, the nested subspaces generated by xpSpace.table_tree (for printing and plotting) will hold objects of type UncertainQtty, because it calls mean which calls get_stat(statkey).

def make_ticks(self, dct, ordering=None):
331    def make_ticks(self, dct, ordering=None):
332        """Unique & sort, for each individual "dim" in `dct`. Assign to `self.ticks`.
334        NB: `self.ticks` will not "propagate" through `SparseSpace.nest` or the like.
335        """
336        self.ticks = dct
337        ordering = ordering or {}
338        for name, values in dct.items():
339            ticks = set(values)  # unique (jumbles order)
340            order = ordering.get(name, 'as-found')
342            # Sort key
343            if callable(order):
344                key = order
345            elif 'as-found' in order:
346                key = values.index
347            else:  # "natural"
348                def key(x):
349                    return x
351            # Place None's at the end
352            def key_safe(x):
353                return (x is None), key(x)
355            # Sort
356            ticks = sorted(ticks, key=key_safe)
357            # Reverse
358            if isinstance(order, str) and "rev" in order:
359                ticks = ticks[::-1]
360            # Assign
361            dct[name] = ticks

Unique & sort, for each individual "dim" in dct. Assign to self.ticks.

NB: self.ticks will not "propagate" through SparseSpace.nest or the like.

def fill(self, xps):
363    def fill(self, xps):
364        """Mass insertion."""
365        self.update([(self.coord_from_attrs(xp), xp) for xp in xps])

Mass insertion.

def squeeze(self):
367    def squeeze(self):
368        """Eliminate unnecessary dimensions."""
369        squeezed = xpSpace(xpList(self).prep_table()[0])
370        squeezed.fill(self)
371        return squeezed

Eliminate unnecessary dimensions.

def get_stat(self, statkey):
373    def get_stat(self, statkey):
374        """Make `xpSpace` with same `Coord` as `self`, but values `xp.avrgs.statkey`."""
375        # Init a new xpDict to hold stat
376        avrgs = self.__class__(self.dims)
378        not_found = set()
379        for coord, xp in self.items():
380            try:
381                avrgs[coord] = getattr(xp.avrgs, statkey)
382            except AttributeError:
383                not_found.add(coord)
385        if len(not_found) == len(self):
386            raise AttributeError(
387                f"The stat. '{statkey}' was not found among **any** of the xp's.")
388        elif not_found:
389            print(color_text("Warning:", "RED"), f"no stat. '{statkey}' found for")
390            print(*not_found, sep="\n")
392        return avrgs

Make xpSpace with same Coord as self, but values xp.avrgs.statkey.

def mean(self, dims=None):
394    def mean(self, dims=None):
395        """Compute mean over `dims` (a list). Returns `xpSpace` without those `dims`."""
396        # Note: The case `dims=()` should work w/o special treatment.
397        if dims is None:
398            return self
400        nested = self.nest(dims)
401        for coord, space in nested.items():
403            def getval(uq):
404                return uq.val if isinstance(uq, UncertainQtty) else uq
405            vals = [getval(uq) for uq in space.values()]
407            # Don't use nanmean! It would give false impressions.
408            mu = np.mean(vals)
410            with warnings.catch_warnings():
411                warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning)
412                # Don't print warnings caused by N=1.
413                # It already correctly yield nan's.
414                var = np.var(vals, ddof=1)
416            N = len(vals)
417            uq = UncertainQtty(mu, np.sqrt(var/N))
418            uq.nTotal   = N
419            uq.nFail    = N - np.isfinite(vals).sum()
420            uq.nSuccess = N - uq.nFail
422            nested[coord] = uq
423        return nested

Compute mean over dims (a list). Returns xpSpace without those dims.

def tune(self, dims=None, costfun=None):
425    def tune(self, dims=None, costfun=None):
426        """Get (compile/tabulate) a stat. optimised wrt. tuning params (`dims`)."""
427        # Define cost-function
428        costfun = (costfun or 'increasing').lower()
429        if 'increas' in costfun:
430            costfun = (lambda x: +x)
431        elif 'decreas' in costfun:
432            costfun = (lambda x: -x)
433        else:
434            assert callable(costfun)  # custom
436        # Note: The case `dims=()` should work w/o special treatment.
437        if dims is None:
438            return self
440        nested = self.nest(dims)
441        for coord, space in nested.items():
442            # Find optimal value (and coord) within space
443            MIN = np.inf
444            found_any = False
445            for inner_coord, uq in space.items():
446                cost = costfun(uq.val)
447                if cost <= MIN:
448                    found_any          = True
449                    MIN                = cost
450                    uq_opt             = uq
451                    uq_opt.tuned_coord = inner_coord
453            if not found_any:
454                uq_opt = uq  # one is as good as another
455                nDim = range(len(space.Coord._fields))
456                uq_opt.tuned_coord = space.Coord(*(None for _ in nDim))
458            nested[coord] = uq_opt
460        return nested

Get (compile/tabulate) a stat. optimised wrt. tuning params (dims).

def table_tree(self, statkey, dims, *, costfun=None):
462    def table_tree(self, statkey, dims, *, costfun=None):
463        """Make hierarchy `outer > inner > mean > optim` using `SparseSpace.nest`.
465        The dimension passed to `nest` (at each level) is specified by `dims`.
466        The dimensions of `dims['mean']` and `dims['optim']` get eliminated
467        by the mean/tune operations. The `dims['outer']` and `dims['inner']
468        become the keys for the output hierarchy.
470        .. note::
471            cannot support multiple `statkey`s because it's not (obviously) meaningful
472            when optimizing over `dims['optim']`.
473        """
474        def validate_dims(dims):
475            """Validate dims."""
476            role_register = {}
477            new = {}
478            for role in set(dims) | set(DIM_ROLES):
479                assert role in DIM_ROLES, f"Invalid role {role!r}"
480                dd = dims.get(role, DIM_ROLES[role])
482                if dd is None:
483                    # Don't convert None to (), allowing None to remain special.
484                    pass
486                else:
487                    # Ensure iterable
488                    if isinstance(dd, str) or not hasattr(dd, "__iter__"):
489                        dd = (dd,)
491                    # Keep relevant only
492                    dd = self.intersect_dims(dd)
494                    # Ensure each dim plays a single-role
495                    for dim in dd:
496                        if dim in role_register:
497                            raise TypeError(
498                                f"A dim (here {dim!r}) cannot be assigned to 2"
499                                f" roles (here {role!r} and {role_register[dim]!r}).")
500                        else:
501                            role_register[dim] = role
502                new[role] = dd
503            return new
505        def mean_tune(xp_dict):
506            """Take mean, then tune.
508            Note: the `SparseSpace` implementation should be sufficiently
509            "uncluttered" that `mean_tune` (or a few of its code lines)
510            could be called anywhere above/between/below
511            the `nest`ing of `outer` or `inner`.
512            These possibile call locations are commented in the code.
513            """
514            uq_dict = xp_dict.get_stat(statkey)
515            uq_dict = uq_dict.mean(dims['mean'])
516            uq_dict = uq_dict.tune(dims['optim'], costfun)
517            return uq_dict
519        dims = validate_dims(dims)
520        self2 = mean_tune(self)
521        # Prefer calling mean_tune() [also see its docstring]
522        # before doing outer/inner nesting. This is because then the dims of
523        # a row (xpSpace) should not include mean&optim, and thus:
524        #  - Column header/coords may be had directly as row.keys(),
525        #    without extraction by coord_from_attrs() from (e.g.) row[0].
526        #  - Don't need to propagate mean&optim dims down to the row level.
527        #    which would require defining rows by the nesting:
528        #    rows = table.nest(outer_dims=complement(table.dims,
529        #        *(dims['inner'] or ()),
530        #        *(dims['mean']  or ()),
531        #        *(dims['optim'] or ()) ))
532        #  - Each level of the output from table_tree
533        #    is a smaller (and more manageable) dict.
535        tables = self2.nest(outer_dims=dims['outer'])
536        for table_coord, table in tables.items():
537            # table = mean_tune(table)
539            # Should not be used (nesting as rows is more natural,
540            # and is required for getting distinct/row_keys).
541            # cols = table.nest(outer_dims=dims['inner'])
543            rows = table.nest(inner_dims=dims['inner'] or ())
545            # Overwrite table by its nesting as rows
546            tables[table_coord] = rows
548            # for row_coord, row in rows.items():
549            # rows[row_coord] = mean_tune(row)
551        args = dict(statkey=statkey, xp_dict=self, dims=dims)
552        tables.created_with = args
553        return dims, tables

Make hierarchy outer > inner > mean > optim using SparseSpace.nest.

The dimension passed to nest (at each level) is specified by dims. The dimensions of dims['mean'] and dims['optim'] get eliminated by the mean/tune operations. The dims['outer'] and `dims['inner'] become the keys for the output hierarchy.

cannot support multiple statkeys because it's not (obviously) meaningful when optimizing over dims['optim'].

def tickz(self, dim_name):
555    def tickz(self, dim_name):
556        """Dimension (axis) ticks without None"""
557        return [x for x in self.ticks[dim_name] if x is not None]

Dimension (axis) ticks without None

def print( self, statkey, dims, subcols=True, decimals=None, costfun=None, squeeze_labels=True, colorize=True, title=None):
559    def print(self, statkey, dims,  # noqa (shadowing builtin)
560              subcols=True, decimals=None, costfun=None,
561              squeeze_labels=True, colorize=True, title=None):
562        """Print tables of results.
564        Parameters
565        ----------
566        statkey: str
567            The statistic to extract from the `xp.avrgs` for each `xp`.
568            Examples: `"rmse.a"` (i.e. `"err.rms.a"`), `"rmse.ocean.a"`, `"duration"`.
569        dims: dict
570            Allots (maps) the dims of `xpSpace` to different roles in the tables.
572            - The "role" `outer` should list the dims/attributes
573              used to define the splitting of the results into *separate tables*:
574              one table for each distinct combination of attributes.
575            - Similarly , the role `inner` determines which attributes
576              split a table into its columns.
577            - `mean` lists the attributes over which the mean is taken
578              (for that row & column)
579            - `optim` lists the attributes used over which the optimum
580               is searched for (after taking the mean).
582            Example:
584                dict(outer='da_method', inner='N', mean='seed',
585                     optim=('infl','loc_rad'))
587            Equivalently, use `mean=("seed",)`.
588            It is acceptible to leave this empty: `mean=()` or `mean=None`.
589        subcols: bool
590            If `True`, then subcolumns are added to indicate
592            - `1σ`: the confidence interval. If `mean=None` is used, this simply reports
593              the value `.prec` of the `statkey`, providing this is an `UncertainQtty`.
594              Otherwise, it is computed as `sqrt(var(xps)/N)`,
595              where `xps` is the set of statistic gathered over the `mean` dimensions.
596            - `*(optim)`: the optimal point (among all `optim` attributes),
597              as defined by `costfun`.
598            - `☠`: the number of failures (non-finite values) at that point.
599            - `✓`: the number of successes that go into the value
600        decimals: int
601            Number of decimals to print.
602            If `None`, this is determined for each statistic by its uncertainty.
603        costfun: str or function
604            Use `'increasing'` (default) or `'decreasing'` to indicate that the optimum
605            is defined as the lowest or highest value of the `statkey` found.
606        squeeze_labels: bool
607            Don't include redundant attributes in the line labels.
608            Caution: `get_style` will not be able to access the eliminated attrs.
609        colorize: bool
610            Add color to tables for readability.
611        """
612        # Title
613        if title is not None:
614            if colorize:
615                clrs = colorama.Back.LIGHTBLUE_EX, colorama.Fore.BLACK
616                title = color_text(str(title), *clrs)
617            print(title)
619        # Inform dims["mean"]
620        if dims.get('mean', None):
621            print(f"Averages (in time and) over {dims['mean']}.")
622        else:
623            print("Averages in time only"
624                  " (=> the 1σ estimates may be unreliable).")
626        def make_cols(rows, cc, subcols, h2):
627            """Subcolumns: align, justify, join."""
628            # Define subcol formats
629            if subcols:
630                templ = "{val} ±{prec}"
631                templ += "" if dims['optim'] is None else " *{tuned_coord}"
632                templ += "" if dims['mean' ] is None else " {nFail} {nSuccess}"
633                aligns = dict(prec="<", tuned_coord="<")
635            def align(column, idx):
636                if idx == 0:
637                    headers = dict(val=statkey, prec="1σ", tuned_coord=dims["optim"])
638                else:
639                    headers = dict(val="", prec="1σ", tuned_coord="")
640                headers.update(nFail="☠", nSuccess="✓")
642                col = unpack_uqs(column, decimals)
644                if subcols:
645                    for key in list(col):
646                        if key in templ:
647                            subcolmn = [headers.get(key, key)] + col[key]
648                            col[key] = align_col(subcolmn, just=aligns.get(key, ">"))
649                        else:
650                            del col[key]
651                    col = [templ.format(**row) for row in transps(col)]
652                else:
653                    col = align_col([headers["val"]] + col["val"])
654                return col
656            def super_header(col_coord, idx, col):
657                header, matter = col[0], col[1:]
658                cc = col_coord.repr2(not idx, str).strip("()").replace(", ", ",")
659                cc = cc.center(len(header), "_")  # +1 width for wide chars like ✔️
660                return [cc + "\n" + header] + matter
662            # Transpose
663            columns = [list(x) for x in zip(*rows)]
665            # Format column
666            for j, (col_coord, column) in enumerate(zip(cc, columns)):
667                col = align(column, j)
668                if h2:
669                    col = super_header(col_coord, j, col)
670                columns[j] = col
672            # Un-transpose
673            rows = [list(x) for x in zip(*columns)]
675            return rows
677        dims, tables = self.table_tree(statkey, dims, costfun=costfun)
679        for table_coord, table in tables.items():
681            # Get table's column coords/ticks (cc).
682            # cc is really a set, but we use dict for ordering.
683            # cc = self.ticks[dims["inner"]]  # may be > needed
684            # cc = table[0].keys()            # may be < needed
685            cc = {c: None for row in table.values() for c in row}
686            # Could additionally do cc = table.squeeze() but is it worth it?
688            # Convert table (rows) into rows (lists) of equal length
689            rows = [[row.get(c, None) for c in cc] for row in table.values()]
691            # Align cols
692            h2 = "\n" if len(cc) > 1 else ""  # super-header?
693            headers, *rows = make_cols(rows, cc, subcols, h2)
695            # Prepend left-side (attr) table
696            if squeeze_labels:
697                table = table.squeeze()
698            headers = [h2+k for k in table.dims] + [h2+'⑊'] + headers
699            for i, (key, row) in enumerate(zip(table, rows)):
700                rows[i] = [*key] + ['|'] + row
702            print()
703            if dims['outer']:
704                # Title
705                table_title = "Table for " + table_coord.repr2(True).strip("()")
706                if colorize:
707                    clrs = colorama.Back.YELLOW, colorama.Fore.BLACK
708                    table_title = color_text(table_title, *clrs)
709                print(table_title)
710            table = tabulate(rows, headers).replace('␣', ' ')
711            if colorize:
712                table = stripe(table, slice(2, None))
713            print(table)
715        return tables

Print tables of results.

  • statkey (str): The statistic to extract from the xp.avrgs for each xp. Examples: "rmse.a" (i.e. "err.rms.a"), "rmse.ocean.a", "duration".
  • dims (dict): Allots (maps) the dims of xpSpace to different roles in the tables.

    • The "role" outer should list the dims/attributes used to define the splitting of the results into separate tables: one table for each distinct combination of attributes.
    • Similarly , the role inner determines which attributes split a table into its columns.
    • mean lists the attributes over which the mean is taken (for that row & column)
    • optim lists the attributes used over which the optimum is searched for (after taking the mean).


    dict(outer='da_method', inner='N', mean='seed', optim=('infl','loc_rad'))

    Equivalently, use mean=("seed",). It is acceptible to leave this empty: mean=() or mean=None.

  • subcols (bool): If True, then subcolumns are added to indicate

    • : the confidence interval. If mean=None is used, this simply reports the value .prec of the statkey, providing this is an UncertainQtty. Otherwise, it is computed as sqrt(var(xps)/N), where xps is the set of statistic gathered over the mean dimensions.
    • *(optim): the optimal point (among all optim attributes), as defined by costfun.
    • : the number of failures (non-finite values) at that point.
    • : the number of successes that go into the value
  • decimals (int): Number of decimals to print. If None, this is determined for each statistic by its uncertainty.
  • costfun (str or function): Use 'increasing' (default) or 'decreasing' to indicate that the optimum is defined as the lowest or highest value of the statkey found.
  • squeeze_labels (bool): Don't include redundant attributes in the line labels. Caution: get_style will not be able to access the eliminated attrs.
  • colorize (bool): Add color to tables for readability.
def plot( self, statkey, dims, get_style=<function default_styles>, fignum=None, figsize=None, panels=None, costfun=None, title1=None, title2=None, unique_labels=True, squeeze_labels=True):
717    def plot(self, statkey, dims, get_style=default_styles,
718             fignum=None, figsize=None, panels=None, costfun=None,
719             title1=None, title2=None, unique_labels=True, squeeze_labels=True):
720        """Plot (tables of) results.
722        Analagously to `xpSpace.print`,
723        the averages are grouped by `dims["inner"]`,
724        which here plays the role of the x-axis.
726        The averages can also be grouped by `dims["outer"]`,
727        producing a figure with multiple (columns of) panels.
729        The optimal points/parameters/attributes are plotted in smaller panels
730        below the main plot. This can be turned off by providing the figure
731        dims through the `panels` argument.
733        The parameters `statkey`, `dims`, `costfun`, `sqeeze_labels`
734        are documented in `xpSpace.print`.
736        Parameters
737        ----------
738        get_style: function
739            A function that takes an object, and returns a dict of line styles,
740            usually as a function of the object's attributes.
741        title1: anything
742            Figure title (in addition to the the defaults).
743        title2: anything
744            Figure title (in addition to the defaults). Goes on a new line.
745        unique_labels: bool
746            Only show a given line label once, even if it appears in several panels.
747        squeeze_labels:
748            Don't include redundant attributes in the labels.
749        """
750        def plot1(panelcol, row, style):
751            """Plot a given line (row) in the main panel and the optim panels.
753            Involves: Sort, insert None's, handle constant lines.
754            """
755            # Make a full row (yy) of vals, whether is_constant or not.
756            # is_constant = (len(row)==1 and next(iter(row))==row.Coord(None))
757            is_constant = all(x == row.Coord(None) for x in row)
758            if is_constant:
759                yy = [row[None, ] for _ in xticks]
760                style.marker = None
761            else:
762                yy = [row.get(row.Coord(x), None) for x in xticks]
764            # Plot main
765            row.vals = [getattr(y, 'val', None) for y in yy]
766            row.handles = {}
767            row.handles["main_panel"] = panelcol[0].plot(xticks, row.vals, **style)[0]
769            # Plot tuning params
770            row.tuned_coords = {}  # Store ordered, "transposed" argmins
771            argmins = [getattr(y, 'tuned_coord', None) for y in yy]
772            for a, panel in zip(dims["optim"] or (), panelcol[1:]):
773                yy = [getattr(coord, a, None) for coord in argmins]
774                row.tuned_coords[a] = yy
776                # Plotting all None's sets axes units (like any plotting call)
777                # which can cause trouble if the axes units were actually supposed
778                # to be categorical (eg upd_a), but this is only revealed later.
779                if not all(y == None for y in yy):
780                    style["alpha"] = 0.2
781                    row.handles[a] = panel.plot(xticks, yy, **style)
783        def label_management(table):
784            def pruner(style):
785                label = style.get("label", None)
786                if unique_labels:
787                    if label in register:
788                        del style["label"]
789                    elif label:
790                        register.add(style["label"])
791                        pruner.has_labels = True
792                elif label:
793                    pruner.has_labels = True
794            pruner.has_labels = False
796            def squeezer(coord):
797                return intersect(coord._asdict(), label_attrs)
798            if squeeze_labels:
799                label_attrs = xpList(table.keys()).prep_table()[0]
800            else:
801                label_attrs = table.dims
803            return pruner, squeezer
804        register = set()
806        def beautify(panels, title, has_labels):
807            panel0 = panels[0]
808            # panel0.set_title(title)
809            panel0.text(.5, 1, title, fontsize=12, ha="center", va="bottom",
810                        transform=panel0.transAxes, bbox=dict(
811                            facecolor='lightyellow', edgecolor='k',
812                            alpha=0.99, boxstyle="round,pad=0.25",
813                            # NB: padding makes label spill into axes
814                        ))
815            if has_labels:
816                panel0.legend()
817            if panel0.is_first_col():
818                panel0.set_ylabel(statkey)
819            panels[-1].set_xlabel(dims["inner"][0])
820            # Tuning panels:
821            for a, panel in zip(dims["optim"] or (), panels[1:]):
822                if panel.is_first_col():
823                    panel.set_ylabel(f"Optim.\n{a}")
825        # Nest dims through table_tree()
826        dims, tables = self.table_tree(statkey, dims, costfun=costfun)
827        assert len(dims["inner"]) == 1, "You must chose a valid attr. for the abscissa."
829        if not hasattr(self, "ticks"):
830            # TODO 6: this is probationary.
831            # In case self is actually a subspace, it may be that it does not contain
832            # all of the ticks of the original xpSpace. This may be fine,
833            # and we generate the ticks here again. However, this is costly-ish, so you
834            # should maybe simply (manually) assign them from the original xpSpace.
835            # And maybe you actually want the plotted lines to have holes where self
836            # has no values. Changes in the ticks are not obvious to the naked eye,
837            # unlike the case for printed tables (where column changes are quite clear).
838            print(color_text("Warning:", colorama.Fore.RED), "Making new x-ticks."
839                  "\nConsider assigning them yourself from the original"
840                  " xpSpace to this subspace.")
841            self.make_ticks(xpList(self).prep_table()[0])
842        xticks = self.tickz(dims["inner"][0])
844        # Create figure axes
845        if panels is None:
846            nrows   = len(dims['optim'] or ()) + 1
847            ncols   = len(tables)
848            maxW    = 12.7  # my mac screen
849            figsize = figsize or (min(5*ncols, maxW), 7)
850            gs      = dict(
851                height_ratios=[6]+[1]*(nrows-1),
852                hspace=0.05, wspace=0.05,
853                # eyeballed:
854                left=0.15/(1+np.log(ncols)),
855                right=0.97, bottom=0.06, top=0.9)
856            # Create
857            _, panels = place.freshfig(num=fignum, figsize=figsize,
858                                       nrows=nrows, sharex=True,
859                                       ncols=ncols, sharey='row',
860                                       gridspec_kw=gs, squeeze=False)
861        else:
862            panels = np.atleast_2d(panels)
864        # Fig. Title
865        fig = panels[0, 0].figure
866        fig_title = "Averages wrt. time"
867        if dims["mean"] is not None:
868            fig_title += " and " + ", ".join([repr(c) for c in dims['mean']])
869        if title1 is not None:
870            fig_title += ". " + title1
871        if title2 is not None:
872            with nonchalance():
873                title2 = title2.relative_to(rc.dirs["data"])
874            fig_title += "\n" + str(title2)
875        fig.suptitle(fig_title)
877        # Loop outer
878        for ax_column, (table_coord, table) in zip(panels.T, tables.items()):
879            table.panels = ax_column
880            label_prune, label_squeeze = label_management(table)
881            for coord, row in table.items():
882                style = get_style(NoneDict(label_squeeze(coord)))
883                label_prune(style)
884                plot1(table.panels, row, style)
886            beautify(table.panels,
887                     title=("" if dims["outer"] is None else
888                            table_coord.repr2(True).strip("()")),
889                     has_labels=label_prune.has_labels)
891        tables.fig = fig  # add reference to fig
892        return tables

Plot (tables of) results.

Analagously to xpSpace.print, the averages are grouped by dims["inner"], which here plays the role of the x-axis.

The averages can also be grouped by dims["outer"], producing a figure with multiple (columns of) panels.

The optimal points/parameters/attributes are plotted in smaller panels below the main plot. This can be turned off by providing the figure dims through the panels argument.

The parameters statkey, dims, costfun, sqeeze_labels are documented in xpSpace.print.

  • get_style (function): A function that takes an object, and returns a dict of line styles, usually as a function of the object's attributes.
  • title1 (anything): Figure title (in addition to the the defaults).
  • title2 (anything): Figure title (in addition to the defaults). Goes on a new line.
  • unique_labels (bool): Only show a given line label once, even if it appears in several panels.
  • squeeze_labels:: Don't include redundant attributes in the labels.
Inherited Members