
Developer guide


  • Ensemble (data) matrices are np.ndarrays with shape N-by-Nx. This shape (orientation) is contrary to the EnKF literature, but has the following advantages:
    • Improves speed in row-by-row accessing, since that's np's default orientation.
    • Facilitates broadcasting for, e.g. centring the matrix.
    • Fewer indices: [n,:] yields same as [n]
    • Beneficial operator precedence without (). E.g. dy @ Rinv @ Y.T @ Pw (where dy is a vector)
    • Less transposing for for ensemble space formulae.
    • It's the standard for data matrices in the broader statistical literature.
  • Naming:
    • E: ensemble matrix
    • w: ensemble weights or coefficients
    • X: centred ensemble ("anomalies")
    • N: ensemble size
    • Nx: state size
    • Ny: observation size
    • Double letters means a sequence of something. For example:
      • xx: Time series of truth; shape (K+1, Nx)
      • yy: Time series of observations; shape (Ko+1, Nx)
      • EE: Time series of ensemble matrices
      • ii, jj: Sequences of indices (integers)
    • xps: an xpList or xpDict, where xp abbreviates "experiment".

Install for development

Include the dev tools as part of the installation (detailed in the README):

pip install -e '.[dev]'

PS: If you want to be able to use static analysis tools (pyright) with dapper all the while working from outside its directory, you should also append --config-settings editable_mode=compat to the above command. Ref pyright doc and pyright issue. Alternatively, there is the extraPaths setting.

Run tests

By default, only doctests are run when executing pytest. To run the main tests, do this:

pytest tests

You can also append for example, which is otherwise ignored for being slow.

If the test with the QG model in fails (simply because you have not compiled it) that is fine (that test does not run in CI either).

Pre-commit and linting

Pull requests (PR) to DAPPER are checked with continuous integration (CI), which runs the tests, and also linting, plus some pre-commit hooks. To avoid having to wait for the CI server to run all of this, you'll want to run them on your own computer:

pre-commit install
pre-commit run --all-files

Now every time you commit, these tests will run on the staged files. For detailed linting messages, run

ruff check --output-format=concise

Kept for reference.

You may also want to display linting issues in your editor as you code. Below is a suggested configuration of VS-Code with the pylance plug-in or Vim (with the coc.nvim plug-in with the pyright extension)

// Put this in settings.json (VS-Code) or ~/.vim/coc-settings.json (For Vim)
    "python.analysis.typeCheckingMode": "off",
    "python.analysis.useLibraryCodeForTypes": true,
    "python.analysis.extraPaths": ["scripts"],
    "python.formatting.provider": "autopep8",
    "python.formatting.autopep8Path":  "~/.local/bin/autopep8",
    "python.linting.enabled": true,
    "python.linting.flake8Enabled": true,
    "python.linting.flake8Args": ["lint"],
    "python.linting.flake8Path": "${env:CONDA_PREFIX}/bin/flakeheaven",
    // Without VENV (requires `pip3 install --user flakeheaven flake8-docstrings flake8-bugbear ...`)
    // "python.linting.flake8Path": "[USE PATH PRINTED BY PIP ABOVE]/Python/3.8/bin/flakeheaven",

Adding to the examples

Example scripts are very useful, and contributions are very desirable. As well as showcasing some feature, new examples should make sure to reproduce some published literature results. After making the example, consider converting the script to the Jupyter notebook format (or vice versa) so that the example can be run on Colab without users needing to install anything (see examples/ This should be done using the jupytext plug-in (with the lightscript format), so that the paired files can be kept in synch.


The documentation is built with pdoc, e.g.

pdoc -t docs/templates --math --docformat=numpy docs/bib/ docs/ ./dapper

The above command is run by a GitHub Actions workflow whenever the master branch gets updated. The gh-pages branch is no longer being used. Instead actions/deploy-pages creates an artefact that is deployed to Github Pages.


In order to add new references, insert their bibtex into docs/bib/refs.bib, then run docs/bib/, which will format and add entries to docs/bib/


  • Launch your python script using kernprof -l -v
  • Functions decorated with profile will be timed, line-by-line.
  • If your script is launched regularly, then profile will not be present in the builtins. Instead of deleting your decorations, you could also define a pass-through fallback.

Publishing a release on PyPI


Bump version number in

Merge dev1 into master

git checkout master
git merge --no-commit --no-ff dev1
# Fix conflicts, e.g
# git rm <unwanted-file>
git commit


git tag -a v$(python --version) -m 'My description'
git push origin --tags


rm -rf build/ dist *.egg-info .eggs

Add new files to package_data and packages in


./ sdist bdist_wheel

Upload to PyPI

twine upload --repository pypi dist/*

Upload to Test.PyPI

twine upload --repository testpypi dist/*

where ~/.pypirc contains


username: myuser
password: mypass

username: myuser
password: mypass

Upload to Test.PyPI

git checkout dev1

Test installation

Install from Test.PyPI

pip install --extra-index-url dapper

Install from PyPI

pip install dapper
  • Install into specific dir (includes all of the dependencies)
    pip install dapper -t MyDir

  • Install with options
    pip install dapper[dev,Qt]

Install from local (makes installation accessible from everywhere)

pip install -e .
2.. include:: ./