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Statistics for the assessment of DA methods.

Stats is a data container for ([mostly] time series of) statistics. It comes with a battery of methods to compute the default statistics.

Avrgs is a data container for the same statistics, but after they have been averaged in time (after the assimilation has finished).

Instances of these objects are created by da_methods.da_method (i.e. "xp") objects and written to their .stats and .avrgs attributes.

Default statistics⚓︎

List them using


The FAUSt key/attribute⚓︎

The time series of statistics (the attributes of .stats) may have attributes .f, .a, .s, .u, referring to whether the statistic is for a "forecast", "analysis", or "smoothing" estimate (as is decided when the calls to Stats.assess is made), or a "universal" (forecast, but at intermediate [non-obs.-time]) estimate.

The same applies for the time-averages of .avrgs.

Field summaries⚓︎

The statistics are also averaged in space. This is done according to the methods listed in rc.field_summaries of the dpr_config.


Although sometimes pretty close, rmv (a.k.a. spread.rms) is not (supposed to be) an un-biased estimator of rmse (a.k.a. err.rms). This is because of the square roots involved in the field summary. Instead, (i.e. the mean variance) is the unbiased estimator of

Regional field summaries⚓︎

If the HiddenMarkovModel has the attribute .sectors with value, e.g.,

HMM.sectors = {
    "ocean": inds_of_state_of_the_ocean,
    "atmos": inds_of_state_of_the_atmosphere,

then .stats.rms and .avrgs.rms will also have attributes named after the keys of HMM.sectors, e.g. stats.err.rms.ocean. This also goes for any other (than rms) type of field summary method.

Declaring new, custom statistics⚓︎

Only the time series created with Stats.new_series will be in the format operated on by Stats.average_in_time. For example, create ndarray of length Ko+1 to hold the time series of estimated inflation values:

self.stats.new_series('infl', 1, Ko+1)

Alternatively you can overwrite a default statistic; for example:

error_time_series_a = xx - ensemble_time_series_a.mean(axis=1)
self.stats.err.rms.a = np.sqrt(np.mean(error_time_series_a**2, axis=-1))

Of course, you could just do this

self.stats.my_custom_stat = value

However, xp_launch.run_experiment (without free=False) will delete the Stats object from xp after the assimilation, in order to save memory. Therefore, in order to have my_custom_stat be available among xp.avrgs, it must be "registered":


Alternatively, you can do both at once

self.stat("my_custom_stat", value)


Name Description

On-line (live) plots of the DA process for various models and methods.


Time series management and processing.

Avrgs ⚓︎

Bases: StatPrint, DotDict

A dict specialized for the averages of statistics.


__getattribute__(key) ⚓︎

Support deep and abbreviated lookup.

tabulate(statkeys=(), decimals=None) ⚓︎

Tabulate using tabulate_avrgs

Stats ⚓︎

Bases: StatPrint

Contains and computes statistics of the DA methods.

__init__(xp, HMM, xx, yy, liveplots=False, store_u=rc.store_u) ⚓︎

Init the default statistics.

assess(k, ko=None, faus=None, E=None, w=None, mu=None, Cov=None) ⚓︎

Common interface for both Stats.assess_ens and Stats.assess_ext.

The _ens assessment function gets called if E is not None, and _ext if mu is not None.

faus: One or more of ['f',' a', 'u', 's'], indicating that the result should be stored in (respectively) the forecast/analysis/universal attribute. Default: 'u' if ko is None else 'au' ('a' and 'u').

assess_ens(now, x, E, w) ⚓︎

Ensemble and Particle filter (weighted/importance) assessment.

assess_ext(now, x, mu, P) ⚓︎

Kalman filter (Gaussian) assessment.

average_in_time(kk=None, kko=None, free=False) ⚓︎

Avarage all univariate (scalar) time series.

  • kk time inds for averaging
  • kko time inds for averaging obs

derivative_stats(now) ⚓︎

Stats that derive from others, and are not specific for _ens or _ext).

new_series(name, shape, length='FAUSt', field_mean=False, **kws) ⚓︎

Create (and register) a statistics time series, initialized with nans.

If length is an integer, a DataSeries (a trivial subclass of numpy.ndarray) is made. By default, though, a tools.series.FAUSt is created.

NB: The sliding_diagnostics liveplotting relies on detecting nan's to avoid plotting stats that are not being used. Thus, you cannot use dtype=bool or int for stats that get plotted.

replay(figlist='default', speed=np.inf, t1=0, t2=None, **kwargs) ⚓︎

Replay LivePlot with what's been stored in 'self'.

  • t1, t2: time window to plot.
  • 'figlist' and 'speed': See LivePlot's doc.


store_u (whether to store non-obs-time stats) must have been True to have smooth graphs as in the actual LivePlot.


Ensembles are generally not stored in the stats and so cannot be replayed.

summarize_marginals(now) ⚓︎

Compute Mean-field and RMS values.

write(stat_dict, k, ko, sub) ⚓︎

Write stat_dict to series at (k, ko, sub).

align_col(col, pad='␣', missingval='', just='>') ⚓︎

Align column.

Treats ints and fixed-point float/str especially, aligning on the point.


>>> xx = [1, 1., 1.234, 12.34, 123.4, "1.2e-3", None, np.nan, "inf", (1, 2)]
>>> print(*align_col(xx), sep="\n")
␣(1, 2)

center(E, axis=0, rescale=False) ⚓︎

Center ensemble.

Makes use of np features: keepdims and broadcasting.


Name Type Description Default
E ndarray

Ensemble which going to be inflated

axis int

The axis to be centered. Default: 0

rescale bool

If True, inflate to compensate for reduction in the expected variance. The inflation factor is \(\sqrt{\frac{N}{N - 1}}\) where N is the ensemble size. Default: False



Name Type Description
X ndarray

Ensemble anomaly

x ndarray

Mean of the ensemble

crps_ens(x, ensemble, weights=None) ⚓︎

Compute CRPS for ensemble given obs/truth x.

Tested to reproduce values from properscoring.crps_ensemble().

The 0th axis of ensemble is taken to enumerate the members, and must have same length as the 1d weights (if any) If x.ndim == ensemble.ndim, the 0th axis of x is taken to enumerate multiple x. The CRPS is computed independently (and efficiently) for any/all other dimensions. Thus ensemble.shape[1:] must be matched by x.shape[1:] or x.shape, and the output gets the shape of x.


In 1D:

>>> ens = np.array([-1.5, -1.0, 1.0, 1.5])
>>> crps_ens(0, ens)
>>> crps_ens([0], ens)
>>> crps_ens([-2, -1.5, 0, 1, 1.5, 2], ens)
array([1.3125, 0.8125, 0.5625, 0.5625, 0.8125, 1.3125])

In 2D:

>>> ens2 = np.vstack([ens, ens]).T
>>> crps_ens([1, 2], ens2)
array([0.5625, 1.3125])
>>> crps_ens([[1, 2]], ens2)
array([[0.5625, 1.3125]])
>>> crps_ens([[1, 2], [-2, -1.5]], ens2)
array([[0.5625, 1.3125],
       [1.3125, 0.8125]])

Try weighting:

>>> from scipy.stats import norm
>>> rng = np.random.default_rng(3000)
>>> ens = rng.standard_normal(10**3)
>>> grd = np.linspace(-5, 5, num=len(ens))
>>> a1 = crps_ens(0, ens)
>>> a2 = crps_ens(0, ens, weights=norm.pdf(grd))
>>> np.allclose(a1, a2, atol=1e-2)

crps_ext(x, mu, var) ⚓︎

Adapted from properscoring.crps_gaussian().

The shapes of x, mu, and var must match, but can be anything, and yields output of same shape.


inflate_ens(E, factor) ⚓︎

Inflate the ensemble (center, inflate, re-combine).


Name Type Description Default
E ndarray

Ensemble which going to be inflated

factor `float`

Inflation factor



Type Description

Inflated ensemble

mean0(E, axis=0, rescale=True) ⚓︎

Like center, but only return the anomalies (not the mean).

Uses rescale=True by default, which is beneficial when used to center observation perturbations.

np2builtin(v) ⚓︎

Sometimes necessary since NEP-50

register_stat(self, name, value) ⚓︎

Do = value and register name as in self's stat_register.

Note: self is not always a Stats object, but could be a "child" of it.

tabulate_avrgs(avrgs_list, statkeys=(), decimals=None) ⚓︎

Tabulate avrgs (val±prec).

unbias_var(w=None, N_eff=None, avoid_pathological=False) ⚓︎

Compute unbias-ing factor for variance estimation.


Name Type Description Default
w ndarray

Importance weights. Must sum to 1. Only one of w and N_eff can be None. Default: None

N_eff float

The "effective" size of the weighted ensemble. If not provided, it is computed from the weights. The unbiasing factor is $$ N_{eff} / (N_{eff} - 1) $$.

avoid_pathological bool

Avoid weight collapse. Default: False



Name Type Description
ub float

factor used to unbiasing variance



unpack_uqs(uq_list, decimals=None) ⚓︎

Convert list of uqs into dict of lists (of equal-length) of attributes.

The attributes are obtained by vars(uq), and may get formatted somehow (e.g. cast to strings) in the output.

If uq is None, then None is inserted in each list. Else, uq must be an instance of tools.rounding.UncertainQtty.


Name Type Description Default
uq_list list

List of uqs.

decimals int

Desired number of decimals. Used for (only) the columns "val" and "prec". Default: None. In this case, the formatting is left to the uqs.


weight_degeneracy(w, prec=1e-10) ⚓︎

Check if the weights are degenerate.

If it is degenerate, the maximum weight should be nearly one since sum(w) = 1


Name Type Description Default
w ndarray

Importance weights. Must sum to 1.

prec float

Tolerance of the distance between w and one. Default:1e-10



Type Description

If weight is degenerate True, else False